Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
4001    LogisticsAddressState   :     Sales and marketing
4002    LogisticsAddressStreet_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4003    LogisticsAddressZipCode   :     Sales and marketing
4004    LogisticsCountryRegionPaymentIdType_NO   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4005    LogisticsElectronicAddress   :     Sales and marketing
4006    LogisticsElectronicAddressRole   :     Sales and marketing
4007    LogisticsLocation   :     Sales and marketing
4008    logisticslocationaccessview   :     Unknown module
4009    LogisticsLocationDefaultTmp   :     Sales and marketing
4010    LogisticsLocationExt   :     Sales and marketing
4011    LogisticsLocationRole   :     Sales and marketing
4012    LogisticsLocationRoleTranslation   :     Sales and marketing
4013    LogisticsPostalAddress   :     Sales and marketing
4014    LtAssetPackingSlip   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4015    LtAssetPackingSlipLine   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4016    LtAssetRepair   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4017    LtInvoiceAutoNumberingGroups   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4018    LtInvoiceAutoNumberingTable   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4019    LvCashReceiptTable   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4020    LvCashReceiptTrans   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4021    LvCashStateTrans   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4022    LvCashStateTransTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4023    LvNRTaxItemGroupHeading   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4024    LvNRTaxOnItem   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4025    LvNRTaxReportSetup   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4026    LvNRTaxTrans   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4027    LvOtherClients   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4028    LvPaymentOrderInfo   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4029    LvPaymTransCodes   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4030    LvPayOrderSubAmount   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4031    LVTaxOnNaturalResourceTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4032    MainAccount   :     General ledger
4033    MainAccountCategory   :     General ledger
4034    MainAccountConsolidateAccount   :     General ledger
4035    MainAccountControlCurrencyCode   :     General ledger
4036    MainAccountControlPosting   :     General ledger
4037    MainAccountControlTaxCode   :     General ledger
4038    MainAccountControlUser   :     General ledger
4039    MainAccountLegalEntity   :     General ledger
4040    MainAccountSeparateBalance   :     General ledger
4041    MainAccountTemplate   :     General ledger
4042    MainAccountTemplateTranslation   :     General ledger
4043    MainAccountTranslation   :     General ledger
4044    MarkupAutoLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
4045    MarkupAutoTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
4046    MarkupCustPosting_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4047    MarkupDivisionTmp_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
4048    MarkupDlvTermConnection_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4049    MarkupGroup   :     Procurement and sourcing
4050    MarkupMatchingTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
4051    MarkupTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
4052    MarkupTmpAllocation   :     Procurement and sourcing
4053    MarkupTmpDetails   :     Procurement and sourcing
4054    MarkupTmpMaxAmountValidation   :     Procurement and sourcing
4055    MarkupTmpTotals   :     Procurement and sourcing
4056    MarkupTmpTrans_FI   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4057    MarkupTolerance   :     Procurement and sourcing
4058    MarkupTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
4059    MarkupTransHistory   :     Procurement and sourcing
4060    MarkupTransMapping   :     Procurement and sourcing
4061    MyAddressBook   :     Sales and marketing
4062    MyAddressBookForXDS   :     Sales and marketing
4063    MyLegalEntities   :     Server and Tools
4064    MyLegalEntitiesForNS   :     Server and Tools
4065    MyLegalEntitiesForXDS   :     Server and Tools
4066    MyLegalEntityForWorker   :     Server and Tools
4067    MyPartyUsers   :     Sales and marketing
4068    NGPCodesTable_FR   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4069    NumberPeriod_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
4070    NumberSequenceDatatype   :     Server and Tools
4071    NumberSequenceDatatypeParameterType   :     Server and Tools
4072    NumberSequenceGroup   :     Server and Tools
4073    NumberSequenceGroupRef   :     Server and Tools
4074    NumberSequenceHistory   :     Server and Tools
4075    NumberSequenceList   :     Server and Tools
4076    NumberSequenceReference   :     Server and Tools
4077    NumberSequenceScope   :     Server and Tools
4078    NumberSequenceTable   :     Server and Tools
4079    NumberSequenceTable_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
4080    NumberSequenceTTS   :     Server and Tools
4081    objectlist   :     Unknown module
4082    OfficialsTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4083    OfficialsTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4084    OMExplodedOrganizationSecurityGraph   :     Server and Tools
4085    OMHierarchyChangeLog   :     Server and Tools
4086    OMHierarchyPurpose   :     Server and Tools
4087    OMHierarchyPurposesTmp   :     Server and Tools
4088    OMHierarchyRelationship   :     Server and Tools
4089    OMHierarchyType   :     Server and Tools
4090    OMHierPurposeOrgTypeMap   :     Server and Tools
4091    OMInternalOrganization   :     Server and Tools
4092    OMInternalOrganizationTmpType   :     Server and Tools
4093    OMOperatingUnit   :     Server and Tools
4094    OMRevisionEdit   :     Server and Tools
4095    OMTeam   :     Human resources
4096    OMTeamMembershipCriterion   :     Human resources
4097    OMUserRoleOrganization   :     Server and Tools
4098    OMUserRoleOrganizationTemp   :     Server and Tools
4099    OperationTypeList_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4100    OutlookSyncParameters   :     Sales and marketing
4101    OutlookUserSetup   :     Sales and marketing
4102    partitions   :     Unknown module
4103    PaymCalendar   :     Accounts Payable
4104    PaymCalendarCountryRegion   :     Accounts Payable
4105    PaymCalendarCountryRegionLegalEntity   :     Accounts Payable
4106    PaymCalendarCriteriaRule   :     Accounts Payable
4107    PaymCalendarCustInterest   :     Accounts Payable
4108    PaymCalendarEvaluationPriority   :     Accounts Payable
4109    PaymCalendarException   :     Accounts Payable
4110    PaymCalendarLocationRule   :     Accounts Payable
4111    PaymCalendarRule   :     Accounts Payable
4112    PaymDay   :     Accounts Payable
4113    PaymDayLine   :     Accounts Payable
4114    PaymDueDateLimit_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4115    PaymDueDateLimitValues_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4116    PaymentOrderBudgetReceiptClassTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4117    PaymentOrderBudgetTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4118    PaymentOrderPaymBaseCodeTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4119    PaymentOrderStatusTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4120    PaymentOrderTmpLV   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
4121    PaymentOrderTypeTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
4122    PaymInstruction   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
4123    PaymManStepTable   :     Accounts Payable
4124    PaymReceiptTaxInvReportTmp   :     Accounts Payable
4125    PaymSched   :     Accounts Payable
4126    PaymSchedLine   :     Accounts Payable
4127    PaymTerm   :     Accounts Payable
4128    PaymTermHold   :     Public Sector SL1
4129    PayrollAccrual   :     Human resources
4130    PayrollAccrualEarningCode   :     Human resources
4131    PayrollAccrualRate   :     Human resources
4132    PayrollArrearProcessingTmp   :     Human resources
4133    PayrollArrearRecoveryProcessingTmp   :     Human resources
4134    PayrollBankAccountDisbursement   :     Human resources
4135    PayrollBenefitAccountingRule   :     Human resources
4136    PayrollBenefitCalculationRate   :     Human resources
4137    PayrollBenefitCalculationRateDetail   :     Human resources
4138    PayrollBenefitCalculationRateVersion   :     Human resources
4139    PayrollBenefitDetail   :     Human resources
4140    PayrollBenefitEarningBasis   :     Human resources
4141    PayrollBenefitExternalReporting   :     Human resources
4142    PayrollBenefitPlanDefaultDimension   :     Human resources
4143    PayrollBenefitPlanDetail   :     Human resources
4144    PayrollBenefitRegisterTmp   :     Human resources
4145    PayrollBenefitTaxRule_US   :     Global financial management - North America
4146    PayrollCalculationFrequency   :     Human resources
4147    PayrollCalculationFrequencyPayPeriod   :     Human resources
4148    PayrollDisposableIncome   :     Human resources
4149    PayrollDisposableIncomeBenefit   :     Human resources
4150    PayrollDisposableIncomeEarning   :     Human resources
4151    PayrollEarningCode   :     Human resources
4152    PayrollEarningCodeAccountingRule   :     Human resources
4153    PayrollEarningCodeDefaultDimension   :     Human resources
4154    PayrollEarningCodeDetail   :     Human resources
4155    PayrollEarningExternalReporting   :     Human resources
4156    PayrollEarningStatement   :     Human resources
4157    PayrollEarningStatementLine   :     Human resources
4158    PayrollEmployerTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4159    PayrollFormW2BoxReportingAdjustment   :     Human resources
4160    PayrollJournalizingDefMatchPrimaryEntry   :     Human resources
4161    PayrollPayCycle   :     Human resources
4162    PayrollPayPeriod   :     Human resources
4163    PayrollPayStatement   :     Human resources
4164    PayrollPayStatementAccrualBalance   :     Human resources
4165    PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine   :     Human resources
4166    PayrollPayStatementEarningLine   :     Human resources
4167    PayrollPayStatementLine   :     Human resources
4168    PayrollPayStatementReportTmp   :     Human resources
4169    PayrollPayStatementTaxLine   :     Human resources
4170    PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp   :     Human resources
4171    PayrollPositionActionDetails   :     Human resources
4172    PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation   :     Human resources
4173    PayrollPositionDetails   :     Human resources
4174    PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation   :     Human resources
4175    PayrollPositionWorkerDefaultTaxRgn   :     Human resources
4176    PayrollProviderTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4177    PayrollRetirementBenefitPlanDetail_US   :     Global financial management - North America
4178    PayrollTaxAccountingRule   :     Human resources
4179    PayrollTaxCode   :     Human resources
4180    PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension   :     Human resources
4181    PayrollTaxCodeDetail   :     Human resources
4182    PayrollTaxCodeParameter   :     Human resources
4183    PayrollTaxCodeParameterDuration   :     Human resources
4184    PayrollTaxCodeParameterValue   :     Human resources
4185    PayrollTaxEngineTaxCode   :     Human resources
4186    PayrollTaxEngineTaxCodeForSymmetry   :     Human resources
4187    PayrollTaxEngineWorkerTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4188    PayrollTaxExternalReporting   :     Human resources
4189    PayrollTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4190    PayrollTaxRegionForSymmetry   :     Human resources
4191    PayrollTmpChequePrintout   :     Human resources
4192    PayrollUSTaxTransactionHistoryTmp   :     Human resources
4193    PayrollW2ReconciliationTmp   :     Human resources
4194    PayrollW2ReportTmp   :     Human resources
4195    PayrollWorkCalendarLine   :     Human resources
4196    PayrollWorkerAccrualAdjustment   :     Human resources
4197    PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual   :     Human resources
4198    PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail   :     Human resources
4199    PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitLimit   :     Human resources
4200    PayrollWorkerGarnishment   :     Human resources

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