Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
4201    PayrollWorkerPayCheckTmp   :     Human resources
4202    PayrollWorkerPaymentRegisterTmp   :     Human resources
4203    PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode   :     Human resources
4204    PayrollWorkerResidentTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4205    PayrollWorkersCompensationState_US   :     Global financial management - North America
4206    PayrollWorkerTaxCode   :     Human resources
4207    PayrollWorkerTaxCodeParameterValue   :     Human resources
4208    PayrollWorkerTaxLevy   :     Human resources
4209    PayrollWorkerTaxRegion   :     Human resources
4210    PayrollWorkerTaxRegionForSymmetry   :     Human resources
4211    PBABOMRouteOccurrence   :     Manufacturing
4212    PBAConfiguratedItemTmp   :     Manufacturing
4213    PBAConsistOfTmp   :     Manufacturing
4214    PBACustGroup   :     Manufacturing
4215    PBADefault   :     Manufacturing
4216    PBADefaultRoute   :     Manufacturing
4217    PBADefaultRouteTable   :     Manufacturing
4218    PBADefaultVar   :     Manufacturing
4219    PBAGraphicParameters   :     Manufacturing
4220    PBAGraphicParametersInterval   :     Manufacturing
4221    PBAGraphicParametersVariable   :     Manufacturing
4222    PBAGroup   :     Manufacturing
4223    PBAInventItemGroup   :     Manufacturing
4224    PBALanguageTxt   :     Manufacturing
4225    PBAParameters   :     Manufacturing
4226    PBAReuseBOMRoute   :     Manufacturing
4227    PBARule   :     Manufacturing
4228    PBARuleAction   :     Manufacturing
4229    PBARuleActionValue   :     Manufacturing
4230    PBARuleActionValueCode   :     Manufacturing
4231    PBARuleActionValueCodeParm   :     Manufacturing
4232    PBARuleClause   :     Manufacturing
4233    PBARuleClauseSet   :     Manufacturing
4234    PBARuleClauseVersion   :     Manufacturing
4235    PBARuleCodeCompiled   :     Manufacturing
4236    PBARuleDebuggerTable   :     Manufacturing
4237    PBARuleLine   :     Manufacturing
4238    PBARuleLineCode   :     Manufacturing
4239    PBARuleLineCodeParm   :     Manufacturing
4240    PBARuleLineSimple   :     Manufacturing
4241    PBARulePBAId2ConsId   :     Manufacturing
4242    PBARuleTableConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4243    PBARuleTableConstraintColumn   :     Manufacturing
4244    PBARuleTableConstraintRef   :     Manufacturing
4245    PBARuleVariable   :     Manufacturing
4246    PBARuleVariableLine   :     Manufacturing
4247    PBATable   :     Manufacturing
4248    PBATableGenerateItemId   :     Manufacturing
4249    PBATableGenerateItemVariables   :     Manufacturing
4250    PBATableGroup   :     Manufacturing
4251    PBATableInstance   :     Manufacturing
4252    PBATablePBAInstance   :     Manufacturing
4253    PBATablePrice   :     Manufacturing
4254    PBATablePriceCurrencySetup   :     Manufacturing
4255    PBATablePriceSetup   :     Manufacturing
4256    PBATablePriceSetupCode   :     Manufacturing
4257    PBATableVariable   :     Manufacturing
4258    PBATableVariableDefaultVal   :     Manufacturing
4259    PBATableVariableVal   :     Manufacturing
4260    PBATmpBomId   :     Manufacturing
4261    PBATmpBuildForm   :     Manufacturing
4262    PBATreeBOM   :     Manufacturing
4263    PBATreeCase   :     Manufacturing
4264    PBATreeCode   :     Manufacturing
4265    PBATreeDefault   :     Manufacturing
4266    PBATreeDocRef   :     Manufacturing
4267    PBATreeFor   :     Manufacturing
4268    PBATreeInfoLog   :     Manufacturing
4269    PBATreeInventDim   :     Manufacturing
4270    PBATreeNode   :     Manufacturing
4271    PBATreeRoute   :     Manufacturing
4272    PBATreeRouteOpr   :     Manufacturing
4273    PBATreeSimpel   :     Manufacturing
4274    PBATreeSwitch   :     Manufacturing
4275    PBATreeTable   :     Manufacturing
4276    PBATreeTableSelect   :     Manufacturing
4277    PBATreeTableVal   :     Manufacturing
4278    PBAUserProfiles   :     Manufacturing
4279    PBAUserProfileUserRelation   :     Manufacturing
4280    PBAVariable   :     Manufacturing
4281    PBAVariableVal   :     Manufacturing
4282    PBAVarPBAProfiles   :     Manufacturing
4283    PBAVersion   :     Manufacturing
4284    PCApplicationControlConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4285    PCClass   :     Manufacturing
4286    PCComponentAttributeGroup   :     Manufacturing
4287    PCComponentAttributeGroupCategoryAttr   :     Manufacturing
4288    PCComponentAttributeGroupTranslation   :     Manufacturing
4289    PCComponentConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4290    PCComponentControl   :     Manufacturing
4291    PCComponentControlRootComponent   :     Manufacturing
4292    PCComponentControlSubComponent   :     Manufacturing
4293    PCComponentInstance   :     Manufacturing
4294    PCComponentInstanceRootComponent   :     Manufacturing
4295    PCComponentInstanceSubComponent   :     Manufacturing
4296    PCComponentInstanceValue   :     Manufacturing
4297    PCConfigurationControl   :     Manufacturing
4298    PCConfigurationReuse   :     Manufacturing
4299    PCConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4300    PCDatabaseRelationConstraintDefinition   :     Manufacturing
4301    PCExpressionConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4302    PCGlobalTableConstraintDefinition   :     Manufacturing
4303    PCProductConfiguration   :     Manufacturing
4304    PCProductConfigurationModel   :     Manufacturing
4305    PCProductConfigurationModelTranslation   :     Manufacturing
4306    PCProductModelVersion   :     Manufacturing
4307    PCProductModelVersionApprover   :     Manufacturing
4308    PCRuntimeIntegerLookupTmp   :     Manufacturing
4309    PCRuntimeStringLookupTmp   :     Manufacturing
4310    PCSolverTextValue   :     Manufacturing
4311    PCSolverVariable   :     Manufacturing
4312    PCSubComponent   :     Manufacturing
4313    PCSubComponentControl   :     Manufacturing
4314    PCSubComponentControlConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4315    PCSubComponentPath   :     Manufacturing
4316    PCSubComponentPathNode   :     Manufacturing
4317    PCSubComponentRequirement   :     Manufacturing
4318    PCSubComponentTranslation   :     Manufacturing
4319    PCTableConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4320    PCTableConstraintCell   :     Manufacturing
4321    PCTableConstraintColumnCategoryAttribute   :     Manufacturing
4322    PCTableConstraintColumnDefinition   :     Manufacturing
4323    PCTableConstraintDatabaseColumnDef   :     Manufacturing
4324    PCTableConstraintDefinition   :     Manufacturing
4325    PCTableConstraintGlobalColumnDef   :     Manufacturing
4326    PCTableConstraintRow   :     Manufacturing
4327    PCTemplate   :     Manufacturing
4328    PCTemplateAttribute   :     Manufacturing
4329    PCTemplateAttributeBinding   :     Manufacturing
4330    PCTemplateCategoryAttribute   :     Manufacturing
4331    PCTemplateComponent   :     Manufacturing
4332    PCTemplateComponentConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4333    PCTemplateConfiguration   :     Manufacturing
4334    PCTemplateConfigurationTranslation   :     Manufacturing
4335    PCTemplateConstant   :     Manufacturing
4336    PCTestSystemDefinedTableConstraint   :     Manufacturing
4337    PCTmpTranslation   :     Manufacturing
4338    PCVariantConfiguration   :     Manufacturing
4339    PCWhereUsedTmp   :     Manufacturing
4340    PDSAdvancedPriceInfo   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4341    PdsApprovedVendorList   :     Procurement and sourcing
4342    PdsBatchAttrib   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4343    PdsBatchAttribByAttribGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4344    PdsBatchAttribByItem   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4345    PdsBatchAttribByItemCustomer   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4346    PdsBatchAttribEnumValues   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4347    PdsBatchAttribGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4348    PdsBatchAttribSelectAttribTemplate   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4349    PdsBatchAttribSelectTemplate   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4350    PDSBatchAttribTransfer   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4351    PdsBatchAttributes   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4352    PdsBatchAttributesInput   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4353    PDSCalculationLine   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4354    PDSCalculationTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4355    PdsCatchWeightItem   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4356    PdsComdPricingMargin   :     Procurement and sourcing
4357    PdsComdPricingMarginLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
4358    PdsComdPricingRun   :     Procurement and sourcing
4359    PdsComdPricingRunLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
4360    PdsComdPricingTemplate   :     Procurement and sourcing
4361    PdsComdPricingTemplateLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
4362    PDSCompensationPrinciple   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4363    PdsCostBasis   :     Production control
4364    PdsCustRebateGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4365    PdsCustSellableDays   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4366    PdsDateRange   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4367    pdsdefaultorderitems   :     Unknown module
4368    PdsDispositionMaster   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4369    PdsFreightGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4370    PdsHistoryInventDisposition   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4371    PdsItemRebateGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4372    PdsMRCCustomerHistory   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4373    PdsMRCDocument   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4374    PdsMRCEventTracker   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4375    PdsMRCItemCAS   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4376    PdsMRCItemDetails   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4377    PdsMRCParameters   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4378    PdsMRCRegulatedCountry   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4379    PdsMRCReportingList   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4380    PdsMRCRestrictedListByItem   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4381    PdsMRCRestrictionList   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4382    PdsMRCValidityIntervalByCountry   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4383    PdsMRCVendorHistory   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4384    PdsParameters   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4385    PDSProdCompensationPrinciple   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4386    PdsRebate   :     Procurement and sourcing
4387    PdsRebateAgreement   :     Procurement and sourcing
4388    PdsRebateAgreementLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
4389    PdsRebateParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
4390    PdsRebateProgramTMATable   :     Procurement and sourcing
4391    PdsRebateTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
4392    PdsRebateTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
4393    PDSTmpBatchSelection   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4394    PdsVendBatchInfo   :     Inventory and warehouse management
4395    PerCompTab   :     General ledger
4396    PerCompTable1   :     General ledger
4397    PerCompTable2   :     General ledger
4398    PersonalInfo   :     Sales and marketing
4399    PersonTitleTable   :     Sales and marketing
4400    Plan   :     Manufacturing

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