Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Child-Parents: Global financial management - Western Europe

Module: Global financial management - Western Europe

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Row-num Child-table-name Foreign-key-columns Module-of-child-table Arrow-to-parent Parent-table-name Primary-key-columns Module-of-parent-table
204IntrastatServicePoint_FI .Location (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
205IntrastatServicePoint_FI .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
206IntrastatStateParameters .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
207IntrastatStateParameters .StateId, .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressState .StateId, .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
208IntrastatStatProc .ItemCode_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
209IntrastatToProdcom .IntrastatItemCodeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
210IntrastatToProdcom .Unit (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
211InventExtPackingSlipTmp .InventDimId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
212InventExtPackingSlipTmp .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
213InventExtPackingSlipTmp .Purchid (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
214InventExtPackingSlipTmp .VendAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
215InventFiscalLIFOJournalName .BlockUserGroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserGroupInfo .id (Server and Tools)
216InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .JournalNameId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventFiscalLIFOJournalName .JournalNameId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
217InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .TableId, .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    JournalError .RefTableId, .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)
218InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .BlockUserGroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserGroupInfo .id (Server and Tools)
219InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .BlockUserId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
220InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .PostedUserId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
221InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .InventFiscalLIFOGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventFiscalLIFOGroup .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
222InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
223InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
224InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .TableId, .LineNum, .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    JournalError .RefTableId, .LineNum, .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)
225InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .UnitId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
226InventFiscalLIFOJournalTransAdj .InventFiscalLIFOGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventFiscalLIFOGroup .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
227InventFiscalLIFOJournalTransAdj .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventFiscalLIFOJournalTable .JournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
228InventFiscalLIFOJournalTransAdj .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
229InventFiscalLIFOValuationTmp .companyCurrency (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
230InventFiscalLIFOValuationTmp .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
231InventPhysicalPerWarehouseTransTmp_IT .InventLocationId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventLocation .InventLocationId (Inventory and warehouse management)
232InventPhysicalPerWarehouseTransTmp_IT .InventSiteId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventSite .SiteId (Inventory and warehouse management)
233InventPhysicalPerWarehouseTransTmp_IT .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
234InventPhysicalPerWarehouseTransTmp_IT .WMSPalletId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    WMSPallet .wMSPalletId (Inventory and warehouse management)
235InventProdComLineDetail .CustAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
236InventProdComLineDetail .InventProdComItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatToProdcom .InventProdComCodeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
237InventProdComLineDetail .BranchNumber, .InventProdComItemCodeId, .InventProdComTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventProdComLineWithCode .BranchNumber, .ColumnA, .InventProdComTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
238InventProdComLineDetail .InventProdComTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventProdComTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
239InventProdComLineDetail .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
240InventProdComLineDetail .SalesId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
241InventProdComLineDetail .UnitId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
242InventProdComLineWithCode .ColumnB (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
243InventProdComLineWithCode .ColumnA (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatToProdcom .InventProdComCodeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
244InventProdComLineWithCode .InventProdComTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventProdComTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
245InventProdComLineWithCode .ColumnC (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
246InventProdComParameters .ContactPersonIdExt (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    ContactPerson .ContactPersonId (Sales and marketing)
247InventProdComParameters .ContactPersonId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    ContactPerson .ContactPersonId (Sales and marketing)
248InventProdcomSetup .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
249LedgerFiscalJournalTmp_IT .Currency (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
250LedgerGDPdUField .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
251LedgerGDPdURelation .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
252LedgerGDPdUTable .LedgerGDPdUGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerGDPdUGroup .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
253LedgerGDPdUTableSelection .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
254LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_DTAUS .BankAccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
255LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_DTAUS .CurrencyCodeDEM (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
256LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_DTAUS .CurrencyCodeEUR (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
257LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_DTAUS .InterCompanyLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
258LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .BankAccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
259LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
260LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .CurrencyCodeClosing (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
261LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .CurrencyCodeOpening (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
262LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .CurrencyCodeTotal (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
263LedgerInAccountStatementTmpDE_MT940 .InterCompanyLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
264LedgerJournalizeReportTmp_DE .TransactionCurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
265LedgerJournalizeReportTmp_DE .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
266LedgerJournalPeriodFinalPrintBE .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
267LedgerJournalSummaryTmp_ES .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
268LedgerJournalTableTypeBE .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
269LedgerOpeningSheet_ES .FiscalCalendarPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalCalendarPeriod .RecId (General ledger)
270LedgerOpeningTable_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerOpeningSheet_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
271LedgerOpeningTable_ES .MainAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    MainAccount .RecId (General ledger)
272LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
273LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .OffsetLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
274LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .OffsetAccountRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerClosingTrans .RecId (General ledger)
275LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerOpeningSheet_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
276LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .MainAccount, .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerOpeningTable_ES .MainAccount, .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
277LedgerPostingJournalListTmp .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
278LedgerPostingJournalListTmp .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
279LedgerPostingJournalListTmp .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
280LedgerPostingJournalTotalTmp .JournalName (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
281LedgerPostingJournalVoucherSeries .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
282LedgerPurchaseJournalReportTmpBE .TaxTransBETotalTaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
283LedgerPurchaseJournalReportTmpBE .TmpTxJrnlBETaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
284LedgerRelatedAccounts_ES .FromAccountRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    MainAccount .RecId (General ledger)
285LedgerRelatedAccounts_ES .ToAccountRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    MainAccount .RecId (General ledger)
286LedgerXBorderActivityTmpAT .CountryId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
287LogisticsCountryRegionPaymentIdType_NO .BankCustPaymIdTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCustPaymIdTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
288LogisticsCountryRegionPaymentIdType_NO .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
289MarkupTmpTrans_FI .SalesId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
290MarkupTmpTrans_FI .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
291MarkupTmpTrans_FI .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
292PaymDueDateLimitValues_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PaymDueDateLimit_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
293RCSalesList_UK .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
294RCSalesList_UK .CountryRegion (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
295ReverseChargeItemGroup_UK .ItemGroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventItemGroup .ItemGroupId (Inventory and warehouse management)
296ReverseChargeParameters_UK .RCPOSalesTaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
297ReverseChargeParameters_UK .RCSOSalesTaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
298SalesOrderEntryStatistics .StatisticsGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustStatisticsGroup .CustStatisticsGroup (Sales and marketing)
299SalesOrderEntryStatistics .CustAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
300SalesOrderEntryStatistics .WorkerSalesResponsible (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
301SalesOrderEntryStatistics .ItemGroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventItemGroup .ItemGroupId (Inventory and warehouse management)
302SalesOrderEntryStatistics .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
303SalesOrderEntryStatistics .LineOfBusinessId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LineOfBusiness .LineOfBusinessId (General ledger)
304SalesOrderEntryStatisticsTmp .CustAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
305SalesOrderEntryStatisticsTmp .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
306SysFileStore .BatchJob (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BatchJob .RecId (Server and Tools)
307SysFileStoreFile .SysFileStore (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SysFileStore .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
308TaxAmountByVendorTmp_BE .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
309TaxAmountByVendorTmp_BE .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
310TaxBook .Fky?, .SalesTaxBookId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxBook .Pky?, .TaxBookId, .Pky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)
311TaxBook .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
312TaxBookSection .NumberSequenceTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .RecId (Server and Tools)
313TaxBookSection .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
314TaxBookStatus .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
315TaxBookStatus .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
316TaxBookStatus .TaxPeriod, .FromDate, .ToDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportPeriod .TaxPeriod, .FromDate, .ToDate (Tax)
317TaxBookTable .NumberSequenceTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .RecId (Server and Tools)
318TaxBookTaxCodes .TaxBookTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxBookTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
319TaxBookTaxCodes .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
320TaxBookTaxCodes .TaxCodeEq (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
321TaxCorrectionsBE .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
322TaxCorrectionsBE .TaxReportCollection (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportCollection .RecId (Tax)
323TaxCorrectionsBE .TaxPeriod, .StartDate, .EndDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportExtraFieldsBE .TaxPeriod, .FromDate, .ToDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)
324TaxEdivatDetail .TaxEdivatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxEdivatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
325TaxEdivatGeneral .TaxEdivatTaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
326TaxEdivatReturnedErrors .TaxEdivatErrors (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxEdivatErrors .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
327TaxEdivatReturnedErrors .TaxEdivatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxEdivatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
328TaxElectronicCertificatesTable .UserId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
329TaxElectronicDeclaration .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
330TaxElectronicDeclarationTrans .TaxElectronicDeclarationId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxElectronicDeclaration .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
331TaxEvatParameters_NL .ContactLocation (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
332TaxEvatParameters_NL .FiscalGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxVATNumTable .VATNum (Tax)
333TaxExchRateAdjustment .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
334TaxExchRateAdjustment .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
335TaxExchRateAdjustment .Fky?, .TaxCode, .Voucher, .TransDate, .TaxPeriod, .ExchRateDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTrans .Pky?, .TaxCode, .Voucher, .TransDate, .TaxPeriod, .RealizedDate (Tax)
336TaxIntervatDetail .TaxIntervatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxIntervatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
337TaxIntervatGeneral .Location (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
338TaxIntervatGeneral .TaxIntervatVatPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
339TaxIntraCommCorrection_NL .CountryRegion (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
340TaxIntraCommCorrection_NL .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
341TaxIntraCommDelivery_NL .CountryRegion (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
342TaxIntraCommDelivery_NL .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
343TaxIntraCommTable_NL .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
344TaxIntraCommTable_NL .ContactLocation (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
345TaxListTmp_BE .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
346TaxPurchaseTaxReportTmp .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
347TaxPurchaseTaxTable .ExpenseLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
348TaxPurchaseTaxTable .SettleLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
349TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
350TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxAuthority (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxAuthorityAddress .TaxAuthority (Tax)
351TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
352TaxPurchaseTaxTrans .TaxPeriod (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPeriodHead .TaxPeriod (Tax)
353TaxPurchaseTaxTrans .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
354TaxPurchaseTaxTrans .TaxCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
355TaxPurchaseTaxValue .TaxPurchaseTaxTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxPurchaseTaxTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
356TaxReport347Account .MainAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    MainAccount .RecId (General ledger)
357TaxReport347ReportTmp .TenantsCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
358TaxReport347ReportTmp .TransCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
359TaxReport347Table .ReportedBy (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
360TaxReport347Tenants .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
361TaxReport347Tenants .CountyId, .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyId, .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
362TaxReport347Tenants .ZipCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressZipCode .ZipCode (Sales and marketing)
363TaxReport347Tenants .TaxRep347AddressAbbrev (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxRep347AddressAbbrev .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
364TaxReport347Tenants .TaxReport347Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport347Table .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
365TaxReport347Tenants .Fky?, .Fky?, .TaxReport347Table, .VATNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport347Trans .Pky?, .Pky?, .TaxReport347Table, .VATNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)
366TaxReport347Trans .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
367TaxReport347Trans .CountyId, .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyId, .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
368TaxReport347Trans .TaxReport347Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport347Table .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
369TaxReport347Trans .VATNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxVATNumTable .VATNum (Tax)
370TaxReport347Validation .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
371TaxReport770Table_IT .Signatory (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
372TaxReport770Table_IT .SignatoryForeignCountryCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatCountryRegionParameters .CountryCode_IT (Global financial management - Western Europe)
373TaxReport770Table_IT .SignatoryBirthCountyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyCode_IT (Sales and marketing)
374TaxReport770Table_IT .FiscalPostalAddress (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
375TaxReport770Table_IT .LegalPostalAddress (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
376TaxReport770Table_IT .AtecofinCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxBook .ATECOFINCode_IT (Global financial management - Western Europe)
377TaxReport770TaxPayments_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
378TaxReport770TaxPayments_IT .VendAccount, .Month, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport770Trans_IT .VendAccount, .Month, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
379TaxReport770TaxPayments_IT .Fky?, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
380TaxReport770Trans_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
381TaxReport770Trans_IT .TaxWithholdCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdTable .TaxWithholdCode (Tax)
382TaxReport770Trans_IT .TaxWithholdTransRefRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdTrans .RecId (Tax)
383TaxReport770Trans_IT .Fky?, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
384TaxReport770VendTotal_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
385TaxReport770VendTotal_IT .VendAccount, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReport770Trans_IT .VendAccount, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
386TaxReport770VendTotal_IT .VendAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
387TaxReportAlandImportTmp_FI .Buyer (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
388TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
389TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ThresholdBase (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
390TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ReportTrans (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
391TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .TaxTrans (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTrans .RecId (Tax)
392TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
393TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
394TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .ReportTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticTable_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
395TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
396TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
397TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ContractId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
398TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ReportTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticTable_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
399TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ThresholdBase (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
400TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)

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