Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Parent-Children: Global financial management - Western Europe

Module: Global financial management - Western Europe

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201LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerGDPdUField .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
202LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerGDPdURelation .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
203LedgerGDPdUTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerGDPdUTableSelection .LedgerGDPdUTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
204LedgerOpeningSheet_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerOpeningTable_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
205LedgerOpeningSheet_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
206LedgerOpeningTable_ES .MainAccount, .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerOpeningTrans_ES .MainAccount, .Sheet (Global financial management - Western Europe)
207LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    GeneralJournalEntry .LedgerPostingJournal (General ledger)
208LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalPeriodFinalPrintBE .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
209LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTableTypeBE .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
210LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerPostingJournalListTmp .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
211LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerPostingJournalTotalTmp .JournalName (Global financial management - Western Europe)
212LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerPostingJournalVoucherSeries .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
213LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerTransPreviewTmp_RU .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Russia)
214LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceJour .PostingJournalId (Project management and accounting)
215LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxPurchLedgerTmp .LedgerPostingJournalId (Tax)
216LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxSalesLedgerTmp .LedgerPostingJournalId (Accounts Receivable)
217LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpCentralisationBE .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
218LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpLedgerTrans .LedgerPostingJournalId (General ledger)
219LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpLedgerTransPreview_RU .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Russia)
220LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxPurchLedger .LedgerPostingJournalId (Tax)
221LedgerPostingJournal .LedgerPostingJournalId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxSalesLedger .LedgerPostingJournalId (Accounts Receivable)
222NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceLine .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Receivable)
223NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceLineScriptBuffer .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Receivable)
224NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTrans .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Receivable)
225NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipTrans .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
226NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    Intrastat .NGPCodesTable_FR (Global financial management - Western Europe)
227NGPCodesTable_FR .NGPCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .NGPCodesTable_FR (Global financial management - Western Europe)
228NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    InventTable .NGPCodesTable_FR (Inventory and warehouse management)
229NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceItem .NGPCodesTable_FR (Project management and accounting)
230NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineForeignTradeCategory .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
231NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineForeignTradeCategoryHistory .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
232NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesLineForeignTradeCategory .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
233NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLineForeignTradeCategory .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
234NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceIntrastat .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Payable)
235NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceLineForeignTradeCategory .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Payable)
236NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceTrans .NGPCodesTable_FR (Accounts Payable)
237NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipTrans .NGPCodesTable_FR (Procurement and sourcing)
238PaymDueDateLimit_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    InventItemGroup .DueDateLimitGroupId_ES (Inventory and warehouse management)
239PaymDueDateLimit_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PaymDueDateLimitValues_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
240PaymDueDateLimit_ES .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PaymTerm .DueDateLimitGroupId_ES (Accounts Payable)
241PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CompanyInfo .PaymInstruction1 (General ledger)
242PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CompanyInfo .PaymInstruction2 (General ledger)
243PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CompanyInfo .PaymInstruction3 (General ledger)
244PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CompanyInfo .PaymInstruction4 (General ledger)
245PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTrans .PaymInstruction1 (General ledger)
246PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTrans .PaymInstruction2 (General ledger)
247PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTrans .PaymInstruction3 (General ledger)
248PaymInstruction .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTrans .PaymInstruction4 (General ledger)
249SysFileStore .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SysFileStoreFile .SysFileStore (Global financial management - Western Europe)
250TaxBook .Pky?, .TaxBookId, .Pky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxBook .Fky?, .SalesTaxBookId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)
251TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxBookSection .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
252TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxBookStatus .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
253TaxBook .ATECOFINCode_IT (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770Table_IT .AtecofinCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
254TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportTmp_IT .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
255TaxBook .TaxBookId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportTmp_IT .ITSummary_TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
256TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans .TaxBook (Tax)
257TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReport_IT .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
258TaxBook .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReport_ITSummary .TaxBook (Global financial management - Western Europe)
259TaxBookSection .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans .TaxBookSection (Tax)
260TaxBookSection .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReport_IT .TaxBookSection (Global financial management - Western Europe)
261TaxBookSection .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReport_ITSummary .TaxBookSection (Global financial management - Western Europe)
262TaxBookTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxBookTaxCodes .TaxBookTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
263TaxBookTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportTable .TaxBookTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
264TaxEdivatErrors .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxEdivatReturnedErrors .TaxEdivatErrors (Global financial management - Western Europe)
265TaxEdivatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxEdivatDetail .TaxEdivatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)
266TaxEdivatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxEdivatReturnedErrors .TaxEdivatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)
267TaxElectronicDeclaration .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxElectronicDeclarationTrans .TaxElectronicDeclarationId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
268TaxEvatError_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReturnedError_NL .TaxEvatError_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)
269TaxIntervatGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxIntervatDetail .TaxIntervatGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)
270TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    EUSalesListReportingHeader .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)
271TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxIntraCommCorrection_NL .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)
272TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxIntraCommDelivery_NL .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)
273TaxIntraCommTable_NL .Pky?, .IntraCommId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReturnedError_NL .Fky?, .ReturnedErrorId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
274TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
275TaxPurchaseTaxTable .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxPurchaseTaxTrans .TaxPurchaseTaxId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
276TaxPurchaseTaxTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxPurchaseTaxValue .TaxPurchaseTaxTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
277TaxRep347AddressAbbrev .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport347Tenants .TaxRep347AddressAbbrev (Global financial management - Western Europe)
278TaxReport347Table .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport347Tenants .TaxReport347Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)
279TaxReport347Table .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport347Trans .TaxReport347Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)
280TaxReport347Trans .Pky?, .Pky?, .TaxReport347Table, .VATNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport347Tenants .Fky?, .Fky?, .TaxReport347Table, .VATNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)
281TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770TaxPayments_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
282TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770Trans_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
283TaxReport770Table_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770VendTotal_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
284TaxReport770Trans_IT .VendAccount, .Month, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770TaxPayments_IT .VendAccount, .Month, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
285TaxReport770Trans_IT .VendAccount, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReport770VendTotal_IT .VendAccount, .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
286TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
287TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
288TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ContractId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
289TaxReportDomesticContract_IT .ContractID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReportDomesticTransExport_IT .ContractId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
290TaxReportDomesticTable_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .ReportTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
291TaxReportDomesticTable_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ReportTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)
292TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ThresholdBase (Global financial management - Western Europe)
293TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .ThresholdBase (Global financial management - Western Europe)
294TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportDomesticTaxTrans_IT .ReportTrans (Global financial management - Western Europe)
295TaxReportExtraFieldsBE .TaxPeriod, .FromDate, .ToDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxCorrectionsBE .TaxPeriod, .StartDate, .EndDate (Global financial management - Western Europe)
296TaxReportLines .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportLinesTaxTrans_ES .TaxReportLines (Global financial management - Western Europe)
297TaxReportTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReportLines .RefRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
298TaxTurnOverTable_NL .Pky?, .TurnOverID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxReturnedError_NL .Fky?, .ReturnedErrorId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
299TaxTurnOverTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxTurnOverLine_NL .TaxTurnOverTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)
300TaxYearlyCom_IT .Year, .ATECOFINCode, .TaxYearlyComId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TaxYearlyComReport_IT .Year, .ATECOFINCode, .TaxYearlyComId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
301TmpTaxReportDomesticTableExport_IT .FileNumber (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxReportDomesticTransExport_IT .FileNumber (Global financial management - Western Europe)
302TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .TransportationDeliveryContractor (Procurement and sourcing)
303TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .TransportationDeliveryLoader (Procurement and sourcing)
304TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .TransportationDeliveryOwner (Procurement and sourcing)
305TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .TransportationDeliveryContractor (Procurement and sourcing)
306TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .TransportationDeliveryLoader (Procurement and sourcing)
307TransportationDeliveryParty .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .TransportationDeliveryOwner (Procurement and sourcing)
308TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceJour .TransportationDocument (Accounts Receivable)
309TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTable .TransportationDocument (Accounts Receivable)
310TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .TransportationDocument (Procurement and sourcing)
311TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferTable .TransportationDocument (Inventory and warehouse management)
312TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LtAssetPackingSlip .TransportationDocument (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
313TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceJour .TransportationDocument (Project management and accounting)
314TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    ProjProposalJour .TransportationDocument (Project management and accounting)
315TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .TransportationDocument (Procurement and sourcing)
316TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .TransportationDocument (Procurement and sourcing)
317TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .TransportationDocument (Procurement and sourcing)
318TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable_W .TransportationDocument (Global financial management - _W)
319TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    TransportationVehicle .TransportationDocument (Global financial management - Western Europe)
320TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoTable .TransportationDocument (Accounts Payable)
321TransportationDocument .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceJour .TransportationDocument (Accounts Payable)
322VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTrans .VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS (General ledger)
323VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS (Procurement and sourcing)
324VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS (Procurement and sourcing)
325VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceJour .VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS (Accounts Payable)
326VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     <‑‑‑    VendTable .VendInvoiceDeclaration_IS (Procurement and sourcing)

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