Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Child-Parents: Global financial management - Eastern Europe

Module: Global financial management - Eastern Europe

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Row-num Child-table-name Foreign-key-columns Module-of-child-table Arrow-to-parent Parent-table-name Primary-key-columns Module-of-parent-table
207LvPayOrderSubAmount .JournalNum, .Voucher (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalTrans .JournalNum, .Voucher (General ledger)
208PlFiscalPrinterWorkerSetup .Worker (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
209PlFiscalPrinterWorkerSetup .FiscalPrinterCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlFiscalPrinterTable .FiscalPrinterCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
210PlFiscalTaxTable .FiscalPrinterCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlFiscalPrinterTable .FiscalPrinterCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
211PlInventExternalForProcessing .InventDimId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
212PlInventExternalForProcessing .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
213PlInventExternalForProcessing .PurchPrice, .ItemId, .InventDimId, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventSumExternal .PurchPrice, .ItemId, .InventDimId, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
214PlInventExternalForProcessing .SalesLineRecRecId, .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesLine .RecId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
215PlInventExternalForProcessing .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
216PlInventExternalForProcessing .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
217PlInventJournalExternal .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
218PlInventJournalExternal .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
219PlInventJournalExternal .InventDimId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
220PlInventJournalExternal .JournalId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventJournalTable .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)
221PlInventJournalExternal .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
222PlInventJournalExternal .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
223PlInventPackageDepositReportTmp .CustAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
224PlInventPackageDepositReportTmp .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
225PlInventPackageDepositReportTmp .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageTable .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
226PlInventPackageDepositReturnReportTmp .CustAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
227PlInventPackageDepositReturnReportTmp .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
228PlInventPackageDepositReturnReportTmp .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageTable .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
229PlInventPackageParm .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageTable .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
230PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
231PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesParmLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
232PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesParmTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
233PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
234PlInventPackageReturn .CustAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
235PlInventPackageReturnLine .ReturnRefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageReturn .RecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
236PlInventPackageReturnLine .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageTable .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
237PlInventPackageTrans .SalesId, .InvoiceId, .InvoiceDate, .NumberSequenceGroupId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustInvoiceJour .SalesId, .InvoiceId, .InvoiceDate, .numberSequenceGroup (Accounts Receivable)
238PlInventPackageTrans .InvoiceId, .SalesId, .InvoiceDate (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPackingSlipJour .PackingSlipId, .SalesId, .DeliveryDate (Procurement and sourcing)
239PlInventPackageTrans .CustAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
240PlInventPackageTrans .InventTransId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransOrigin .InventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
241PlInventPackageTrans .NumberSequenceGroupId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceGroup .numberSequenceGroupId (Server and Tools)
242PlInventPackageTrans .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageReturn .TableId, .RecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
243PlInventPackageTrans .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackageTable .PackageId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
244PlInventPackageTrans .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
245PlInventPackageTrans .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
246PlInventPackingSlipExtJour .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
247PlInventPackingSlipExtJour .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
248PlInventPackingSlipExtTrans .InventDimId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
249PlInventPackingSlipExtTrans .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
250PlInventPackingSlipExtTrans .TransDate, .PackingSlipId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackingSlipExtJour .TransDate, .PackingSlipId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
251PlInventSumExternal .InventDimId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
252PlInventSumExternal .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
253PlInventSumExternal .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)
254PlInventSumExternal .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
255PlInventTransExternal .InventDimId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
256PlInventTransExternal .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
257PlInventTransExternal .TransDate, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventPackingSlipExtJour .TransDate, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
258PlInventTransExternal .ItemId, .InventDimId, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventSumExternal .ItemId, .InventDimId, .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
259PlInventTransExternal .SetleRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlInventTransExternal .RecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
260PlInventTransExternal .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
261PlNumberSequenceGroupInvent .InventLocationId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventLocation .InventLocationId (Inventory and warehouse management)
262PlNumberSequenceGroupInvent .NumberSequenceGroupId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceGroup .numberSequenceGroupId (Server and Tools)
263PlNumberSequenceGroupInvent .CustPackingSlipNumberSeq (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .NumberSequence (Server and Tools)
264PlNumberSequenceGroupInvent .VendPackingSlipNumberSeq (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .NumberSequence (Server and Tools)
265PlNumberSequenceGroupInventExt .InventLocationId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventLocation .InventLocationId (Inventory and warehouse management)
266PlNumberSequenceGroupInventExt .NumberSequenceScope, .NumberSequenceCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .NumberSequenceScope, .NumberSequence (Server and Tools)
267PlNumberSequenceGroupInventExt .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
268PlSADFinanceInvoice .SADNumber, .SADDate (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceTable .SADNumber, .SADDate (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
269PlSADFinanceInvoice .VendAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
270PlSADFinanceInvTrans .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
271PlSADFinanceInvTrans .SADDate, .SADNumber, .InvoiceId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceInvoice .SADDate, .SADNumber, .InvoiceId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
272PlSADFinanceInvTrans .SADDate, .SADNumber, .SADInvoiceLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceLines .SADDate, .SADNumber, .SADLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
273PlSADFinanceInvTrans .SADDate, .SADNumber (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceTable .SADDate, .SADNumber (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
274PlSADFinanceInvTrans .SADItemCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADItemAccounts .SADItemCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
275PlSADFinanceLedgerJournalRef .LedgerJournalTransRefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalTrans .RecId (General ledger)
276PlSADFinanceLedgerJournalRef .SADFinanceTableRefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceTable .RecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
277PlSADFinanceLines .SADDate, .SADNumber (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADFinanceTable .SADDate, .SADNumber (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
278PlSADFinanceLines .TaxCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
279PlSADFinanceTable .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
280PlSADFinanceTable .SADGovDuty (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
281PlSADFinanceTable .SADTransportVend (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
282PlSADInvoice .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
283PlSADInvoice .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
284PlSADInvoice .PurchId, .SADDutyVend (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId, .OrderAccount (Procurement and sourcing)
285PlSADInvoice .SADDutyVend (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
286PlSADItemAccounts .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
287PlSADParameters .InvoiceInsuranceLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
288PlSADParameters .InvoiceMiscLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
289PlSADParameters .InvoiceTransportLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
290PlSADParameters .SADMiscLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
291PlSADParameters .SADTransportLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
292PlSADPurchLine .SADNumberCode, .SADInvoiceLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADInvoice .SADNumberCode, .SADInvoiceLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
293PlSADPurchLine .SADNumberCode, .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADPurchTable .SADNumberCode, .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
294PlSADPurchLine .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
295PlSADPurchLine .SADNumberCode, .SADLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTrans .SADNumberCode, .SADLineNo (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
296PlSADPurchLine .PurchLineRefId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
297PlSADPurchLine .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
298PlSADPurchTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
299PlSADPurchTable .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
300PlSADRateGroup .VatCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
301PlSADTable .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
302PlSADTable .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
303PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
304PlSADTable .SADDutyVend (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
305PlSADTrans .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
306PlSADTrans .SADRateCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADRateGroup .SADRateCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
307PlSADTrans .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    PlSADTable .SADNumberCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
308PlSADTrans .TaxCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
309PlVendCorrectJour .InvoiceAccount, .InvoiceId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceJour .InvoiceAccount, .InvoiceId (Accounts Payable)
310PlVendCorrectJour .InvoiceAccount (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
311RCashReportJour_PL .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
312RCashReportJour_PL .ReportNum (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    RCashReportJour_PL .ReportNum (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
313RCashReportJour_PL .AccountNum (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    RCashTable .AccountNum (Global financial management - Russia)
314ServiceTariffNumber_PL .RecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxServiceTariff .ServiceTariffNumber (Tax)
315TaxReportXmlAttribute_CZ .XmlElementCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxReportXmlElement_CZ .XmlElementCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
316TaxTransDetailTmp_HU .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
317TaxTransDetailTmp_HU .OperationsLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
318TaxTransDetailTmp_HU .TaxCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
319TaxUncommitted_HU .SourceDocumentLine (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SourceDocumentLine .RecId (General ledger)
320TmpLedgerBalanceSheetDimCol .DateCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerPeriodCode .Code (General ledger)
321TmpTaxReportTaxTransData_LV .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
322TmpTaxReportTaxTransData_LV .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)

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