Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Parent-Children: Inventory and warehouse management

Module: Inventory and warehouse management

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2001PdsMRCRestrictedListByItem .CountryId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCValidityIntervalByCountry .CountryId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2002PdsMRCRestrictionList .ListId, .CountryId, .StateId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCRestrictedListByItem .ListId, .CountryId, .StateId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2003RFIDDeviceTable .Name (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDTrans .DeviceName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2004RFIDProcessTable .Name (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDTrans .ProcessName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2005RFIDServerTable .ServerId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDDeviceTable .ServerId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2006RFIDServerTable .ServerId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDProcessTable .ServerId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2007RFIDTrans .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventSerial .RFIDTagId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2008RFIDTrans .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailTransactionSalesTrans .RFIDTagId (Retail)
2009RFIDTrans .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDExceptions .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2010RFIDTrans .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDTransMatchTmp .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2011RFIDTrans .TagId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    WMSPallet .RFIDTagId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2012ShipCarrierCompany .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    DlvMode .ShipCarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
2013ShipCarrierCompany .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2014ShipCarrierCompany .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierPackage .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2015ShipCarrierCompany .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierShippingRequest .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2016ShipCarrierCompany .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierTable .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
2017ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts .CarrierName, .AccountCode (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    DlvMode .ShipCarrierName, .ShipCarrierAccountCode (Procurement and sourcing)
2018ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailShipCarrierAccountConfiguration .ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts (Retail)
2019ShipCarrierShippingRequest .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCODPackage .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2020ShipCarrierShippingRequest .SalesId, .PackingSlipId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierPackage .SalesId, .PackingSlipId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2021ShipCarrierShippingRequest .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierStaging .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2022ShipCarrierShippingRequest .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierTracking .PackingSlipId, .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2023ShipCarrierStaging .Pky?, .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailEventNotificationLog .Fky?, .RefRecId (Retail)
2024ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2025ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .ShipCarrierId (Sales and marketing)
2026ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    DlvMode .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2027ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanBoardTmpTransferJob .CarrierId (Manufacturing)
2028ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    LeanTmpCarrier .CarrierId (Manufacturing)
2029ShipCarrierTable .dataAreaId, .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityService .CarrierIdDataAreaId, .CarrierId (Manufacturing)
2030ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2031ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2032ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmTable .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2033ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .ShipCarrierId (Procurement and sourcing)
2034ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierAddress .ShipCarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2035ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierPackage .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2036ShipCarrierTable .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierShippingRequest .CarrierId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2037TmpConfigId .ItemNum (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpConfigValue .ItemNum (Inventory and warehouse management)
2038TmpJoinMaster .Key (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpJoinDetail .Key (Inventory and warehouse management)
2039TmpWMSAreaSetupBase .inventLocationId, .WMSStoreAreaType (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpWMSAreaSetup .inventLocationId, .WMSStoreAreaType (Inventory and warehouse management)
2040TutorialJournalName .JournalNameId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TutorialJournalTable .JournalNameId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2041TutorialJournalTable .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ACOJournalTransOverHead_BR .JournalId (Global financial management - Latin America)
2042TutorialJournalTable .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TutorialJournalTrans .JournalId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2043UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    AgreementLineQuantityCommitment .ProductUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2044UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    AgreementLineQuantityCommitmentHistory .ProductUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2045UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    AssetAddition .UOM (Fixed assets)
2046UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    AssetTable .UnitOfMeasure (Fixed assets)
2047UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BOM .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2048UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BOMCalcTable .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2049UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BOMCalcTrans .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2050UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BrazilParameters .ProjectInvoiceTransUnit (Global financial management - Latin America)
2051UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BudgetPlanLine .UnitOfMeasure (Budgeting)
2052UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BudgetPlanLineDataGenerationTmp .UnitOfMeasure (Budgeting)
2053UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    BudgetPlanScenario .DefaultUnitOfMeasure (Budgeting)
2054UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatCartLine .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2055UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatDisplayCategoryAttributeRange .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2056UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatParameters .DefaultProcurementUnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2057UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatVendorFloatValue .FloatUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2058UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatVendorIntValue .IntUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2059UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CatVendorProductCandidatePrice .UnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2060UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    COSAllocation .UnitID (Production control)
2061UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    COSCostDistribution .UnitID (Production control)
2062UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    COSLedgerTable .UnitID (Production control)
2063UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    COSReference .UnitID (Production control)
2064UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CostTmpCalcTrans .UnitId (Production control)
2065UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    COSWorkDistribution .UnitID (Production control)
2066UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmTrans .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2067UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceBackorderLine .SalesUnit (Accounts Receivable)
2068UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceLine .SalesUnit_RU (Accounts Receivable)
2069UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceLineTemplate .SalesUnit_RU (Accounts Receivable)
2070UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTrans .SalesUnit (Accounts Receivable)
2071UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipBackorderLine .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2072UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipTrans .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2073UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmTrans .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2074UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationTrans .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2075UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    CustShippedNotInvoicedTmp_NA .InventUnit (Global financial management - North America)
2076UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EcoResAttributeTypeUnitOfMeasure .DefaultUnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2077UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EcoResFloatValue .FloatUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2078UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EcoResIntValue .IntUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2079UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EcoResProductMasterConfiguration .PmfConfigUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2080UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EMSAssignment .UnitOfMeasure (Compliance and internal controls)
2081UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EMSFlow .UnitOfMeasure (Compliance and internal controls)
2082UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EMSSimulationRowTmp .UnitOfMeasure (Compliance and internal controls)
2083UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EMSSubstance .UnitOfMeasure (Compliance and internal controls)
2084UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximDBKSchemesLine_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2085UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximDBKValues_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2086UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximDEPBScheduleValues_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2087UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximEPCGExportableItems_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2088UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximEPCGImportableItems_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2089UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximImportableItems_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2090UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximSionLine_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2091UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    EximSummaryImportableItems_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2092UnitOfMeasure .TableId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
2093UnitOfMeasure .TableId, .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeValueTable .ExtCodeRelationTableId, .ExtCodeRelationRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
2094UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    FiscalDocumentLine_BR .Unit (Global financial management - Latin America)
2095UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ForecastPurch .PurchUnitId (Manufacturing)
2096UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ForecastSales .SalesUnitId (Manufacturing)
2097UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    HcmGoal .UnitOfMeasure (Human resources)
2098UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyGoodsInTransitTmp .UnitOfMeasureSymbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
2099UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    IntrastatToProdcom .Unit (Global financial management - Western Europe)
2100UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventBaileeCalcUnitOperation_RU .UnitId (Global financial management - Russia)
2101UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventConsignmentLocationTmp .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2102UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventFiscalLIFOJournalTrans .UnitId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
2103UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventItemGTIN .UnitId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2104UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventItemPrice .UnitID (Production control)
2105UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventItemPriceSim .UnitID (Production control)
2106UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventJournalTrans .ProjUnitID (Inventory and warehouse management)
2107UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventJournalTrans_Tag .unitID (Inventory and warehouse management)
2108UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventJournalTransDocPLTmp .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2109UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventNonConformanceTable .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2110UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventOpenQtyCriticalTmp .InventUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2111UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingMaterialCode .Unit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2112UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingMaterialTrans .PackingUnit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2113UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingMaterialTransPurch .PackingUnit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2114UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingUnit .Unit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2115UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventParameters .DefaultUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2116UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventPriceOverviewTmp .UnitId (Production control)
2117UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventProdComLineDetail .UnitId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
2118UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventProdComLineWithCode .ColumnC (Global financial management - Western Europe)
2119UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventQualityOrderLine .TestUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2120UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventReportStatementTmp .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2121UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventScrapStatementTmp .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2122UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTable .BOMUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2123UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTableModule .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2124UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTestCertOfAnalysisLine .TestUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2125UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTestCertOfAnalysisTmp .TestUnitID (Inventory and warehouse management)
2126UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTestGroupMember .TestUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2127UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTestInstrument .Unit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2128UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTestTable .TestUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2129UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferJourLine .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2130UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferLine .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2131UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferLine .UnitId_IN (Inventory and warehouse management)
2132UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferOrderPackingSlipProTmp .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2133UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanBoardTmpTransferJob .InventUnitId (Manufacturing)
2134UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanFlowTmpActivityRelations .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2135UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanJobCapacitySum .PlannedCapacityThroughputUnit (Manufacturing)
2136UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanJobScheduleCapacitySum .PlannedCapacityThroughputUnit (Manufacturing)
2137UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanJobTmpPegging .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2138UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanJobTmpPickList .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2139UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    KanbanRuleFixed .ReplenishmentTimeUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2140UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    LeanProductionFlow .QuantityPerCycleUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2141UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    LeanProductionFlow .TaktUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2142UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    LeanProductionFlowCycleTimeTmpLine .CycleTimeUnitId (Manufacturing)
2143UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    LeanWorkCellCapacity .CapacityUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2144UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    MainAccount .UnitOfMeasure (General ledger)
2145UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PBATreeBOM .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2146UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsCatchWeightItem .PdsCWUnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2147UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsComdPricingMarginLine .UnitID (Procurement and sourcing)
2148UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsRebateAgreement .PdsRebateUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2149UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PdsRebateAgreementLine .RebateUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2150UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityService .ServiceUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2151UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityTime .QuantityUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2152UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityTimeComponent .QuantityUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2153UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityTimeComponent .TimeUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2154UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityTmpActivityTimes .QuantityUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2155UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanActivityTmpActivityTimes .TimeUnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2156UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PlanSequenceConstraintValue .UnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2157UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PmfCoByProdCalcTrans .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2158UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PmfConsOrd .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2159UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PriceDiscAdmTrans .UnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2160UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PriceDiscSalesLineTmpPrintout .UnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2161UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PriceDiscTable .UnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2162UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PriceDiscTmpPrintout .UnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2163UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdBOM .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2164UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdBOMTransProj .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2165UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdCalcTrans .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2166UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdJournalBOM .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2167UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdParameters .ProductionFlowDefaultQuantityUnit (Manufacturing)
2168UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdParameters .ProductionFlowDefaultTimeUnit (Manufacturing)
2169UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdParmSplit .ProjSalesUnitId (Manufacturing)
2170UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdTable .ProjSalesUnitId (Manufacturing)
2171UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdTableProj .ProjSalesUnitId (Manufacturing)
2172UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProdTimeUnitOfMeasure .UnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2173UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceItem .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)
2174UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProjItemTrans .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)
2175UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ProjTable .PSAUnitId (Project management and accounting)
2176UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PSAContractLineItems .UOM (Project management and accounting)
2177UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PSATmpUnitConvertibleLookup .UnitId (Project management and accounting)
2178UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .ProjSalesUnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2179UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2180UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .ProjSalesUnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2181UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2182UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmLine_Project .ProjSalesUnitId (Project management and accounting)
2183UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchPurchaseOrderTmp .pdsCWUnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2184UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchPurchaseOrderTmp .PurchUnitTxt (Procurement and sourcing)
2185UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReceiptsListDetailsTmp .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2186UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLine .ProjSalesUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2187UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLine .PurchUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2188UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLineHistory .ProjSalesUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2189UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLineHistory .PurchUnitOfMeasure (Procurement and sourcing)
2190UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqTmp .Units (Procurement and sourcing)
2191UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQCaseLine .ProjSalesUnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2192UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQCaseLine .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2193UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQLine .ProjSalesUnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2194UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQLine .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2195UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQReplyLine .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2196UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQSendTmp .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2197UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchVendItemStatistcsTmp .PurchUnitPrd1 (Procurement and sourcing)
2198UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    PurchVendItemStatistcsTmp .PurchUnitPrd2 (Procurement and sourcing)
2199UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RAssetTable .TaxBaseUnitId (Global financial management - Russia)
2200UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ReqPegging .UnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2201UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ReqPeggingAssignment .UnitOfMeasure (Manufacturing)
2202UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ReqPO .PurchUnit (Manufacturing)
2203UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailAttributesLegalEntityLookup .UnitBaseComparison (Retail)
2204UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailAttributesLegalEntityLookup .UnitBOM (Retail)
2205UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailAttributesLegalEntityLookup .UnitInvent (Retail)
2206UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailAttributesLegalEntityLookup .UnitPurchase (Retail)
2207UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailAttributesLegalEntityLookup .UnitSales (Retail)
2208UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailInventLinkedItem .unit (Retail)
2209UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailInventTable .baseComparisonUnitCode (Retail)
2210UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailInvReceivingLine .Unit (Retail)
2211UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailInvTransferPickingLine .Unit (Retail)
2212UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailListingAttribute .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2213UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailMassUpdateWorksheetLine .RetailInvent_baseComparisonUnitCode (Retail)
2214UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailPeriodicDiscountLine .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2215UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailTmpCatBulkAttrib .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2216UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailTmpListingAttribute .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2217UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailTmpProductListingAttribute .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2218UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RetailVendorProductCandSalesPrice .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2219UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    RFIDTrans .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2220UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesBasketLine .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2221UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesCreateReleaseOrderLineTmp .Units (Procurement and sourcing)
2222UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .PackingUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2223UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2224UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .PackingUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2225UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationBasketLine .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2226UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLine .PackingUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2227UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLine .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2228UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .PackingUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2229UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCODPackage .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2230UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierPackage .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2231UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierShippingRequest .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2232UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SMAAgreementLine .Unit (Service management)
2233UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SMAServiceBOMTable .UnitID (Service management)
2234UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SMAServiceOrderLine .Unit (Service management)
2235UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    SuppItemTable .UnitId (Procurement and sourcing)
2236UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TaxTable .TaxUnit (Tax)
2237UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpBOMCalcSumCost .UnitID (Manufacturing)
2238UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpCatCartCategoryLine .UnitOfMeasure (Retail)
2239UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpEximAnnualConsumption_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2240UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpEximImportableItems_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2241UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpEximTotalDBKTrans_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2242UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpInventTableModule .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2243UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpInventTransWMS .UnitId (Inventory and warehouse management)
2244UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPackMaterialFeeSum .Unit (Inventory and warehouse management)
2245UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPmfConsolidatedBulk .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2246UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPmfConsolidatedOrder .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2247UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPmfConsolidatedPack .BOMUnitId (Manufacturing)
2248UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPmfPackItems .BulkUnitId (Manufacturing)
2249UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPmfPackItems .UnitId (Manufacturing)
2250UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpProdStandardVariance .UnitId (Production control)
2251UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpProjAdjustment .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)
2252UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)
2253UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLine .Units (Procurement and sourcing)
2254UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLinePrice .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2255UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TmpSalesItemReq .SalesUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2256UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    tmpSmmSalesCustItemStatistics .Unit1 (Sales and marketing)
2257UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    tmpSmmSalesCustItemStatistics .Unit2 (Sales and marketing)
2258UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    TransferPrice_IN .Unit (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
2259UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasure_W .UnitOfMeasure (Global financial management - _W)
2260UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureBaseUnit .UnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2261UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureConversion .FromUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2262UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureConversion .ToUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2263UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureConversionCache .FromUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2264UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureConversionCache .ToUnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2265UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureInternalCode .UnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2266UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureReportingTranslation .UnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2267UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureSystemUnit .UnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2268UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    UnitOfMeasureTranslation .UnitOfMeasure (Inventory and warehouse management)
2269UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoLine .PurchUnit (Accounts Payable)
2270UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoLine_Project .ProjSalesUnitId (Project management and accounting)
2271UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceTrans .PurchUnit (Accounts Payable)
2272UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipTrans .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2273UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListTrans .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)
2274UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQTrans .PurchUnit (Procurement and sourcing)

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