Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Child-Parents: Global financial management - Latin America

Module: Global financial management - Latin America

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Row-num Child-table-name Foreign-key-columns Module-of-child-table Arrow-to-parent Parent-table-name Primary-key-columns Module-of-parent-table
202FiscalEstablishment_BR .Accountant_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Accountant_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
203FiscalEstablishment_BR .DirPartyLocation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DirPartyLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
204FiscalEstablishment_BR .EFDocAuthority (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    EFDocAuthority_BR .AuthorityId (Global financial management - Latin America)
205FiscalEstablishment_BR .EFDocEnvironment, .EFDocAuthority (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    EFDocWebServiceParameters_BR .Environment, .Authority (Global financial management - Latin America)
206FiscalEstablishment_BR .FiscalEstablishmentSalesIssuer (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
207FiscalEstablishment_BR .FiscalEstablishmentGroup_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishmentGroup_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
208FiscalEstablishment_BR .EFDocEmailApproved (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SysEmailTable .EmailId (Sales and marketing)
209FiscalEstablishment_BR .EFDocEmailCanceled (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SysEmailTable .EmailId (Sales and marketing)
210FiscalEstablishment_BR .EFDocEmailEvent (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SysEmailTable .EmailId (Sales and marketing)
211FiscalEstablishmentFiscalDocumentType_BR .FiscalDocumentType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
212FiscalEstablishmentFiscalDocumentType_BR .AccountRelation, .Fky? (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .FiscalEstablishmentId, .Pky? (Global financial management - Latin America)
213FiscalEstablishmentFiscalDocumentType_BR .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
214FiscalEstablishmentFiscalDocumentType_BR .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishmentGroup_BR .Pky?, .FiscalEstablishmentGroupId (Global financial management - Latin America)
215FiscalEstablishmentIEPerState_BR .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
216FiscalEstablishmentIEPerState_BR .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
217FiscalEstablishmentIEPerState_BR .StateId, .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressState .StateId, .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
218FiscalEstablishmentInventSite_BR .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
219FiscalEstablishmentInventSite_BR .InventSite (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventSite .SiteId (Inventory and warehouse management)
220FiscalEstablishmentVendInvoiceJour_BR .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
221FiscalEstablishmentVendInvoiceJour_BR .VendInvoiceJour (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceJour .RecId (Accounts Payable)
222FiscalEstablishmentVendInvoiceJour_BR .VendTrans (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendTrans .RecId (Accounts Payable)
223FiscalReferenceParm_BR .RefTableId, .RefRecID (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ExternalFiscalDocument_BR .TableId, .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
224FiscalReferenceParm_BR .RefTableId, .RefRecID (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocument_BR .TableId, .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
225FiscalReferenceParm_BR .LegalTextID (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentSourceText_BR .TextID (Global financial management - Latin America)
226FiscalReferenceParm_BR .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransferTable .TableId, .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
227FiscalReferenceParm_BR .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesParmTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
228FiscalReferenceParm_BR .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceInfoTable .TableId, .RecId (Accounts Payable)
229InflationAdjJournal_MX .ReversedVoucher (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    GeneralJournalEntry .RecId (General ledger)
230InflationAdjJournal_MX .Voucher (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    GeneralJournalEntry .RecId (General ledger)
231InpcRateTmp_MX .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
232InvAdjustmentReportTmp_MX .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
233InvAdjustmentReportTmp_MX .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
234InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ReceiveCFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
235InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ShipCFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
236InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .InventTransferLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransferLine .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
237InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .InventTransferTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransferTable .TransferId (Inventory and warehouse management)
238InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ReceiveTaxGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
239InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ShipTaxGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
240InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ReceiveTaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
241InventTransferLineFiscalInfo_BR .ShipTaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
242InventTransferOrderCFOPMapping_BR .ReceiveCFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
243InventTransferOrderCFOPMapping_BR .ShipCFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
244InventTransferParmTableFiscalInfo_BR .ThirdPartyFiscalDocumentModel (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocModel_BR .Model (Global financial management - Latin America)
245InventTransferParmTableFiscalInfo_BR .InventTransferParmTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransferParmTable .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
246InventTransferTableFiscalInfo_BR .ShipFiscalDocumentType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
247InventTransferTableFiscalInfo_BR .InventTransferTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransferTable .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
248InventTransferTableFiscalInfo_BR .SalesCarrier (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
249ISRConceptMainAccount_MX .Concept (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ISRConcept_MX .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
250ISRConceptMainAccount_MX .MainAccount (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    MainAccount .RecId (General ledger)
251LedgerJournalTransPayment_BR .RefRecId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalTrans .RecId (General ledger)
252ProjInvoiceTransTaxWithholdGroups_BR .ProjInvoiceJour (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ProjInvoiceJour .RecId (Project management and accounting)
253ProjInvoiceTransTaxWithholdGroups_BR .TaxWithholdGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdGroupHeading .TaxWithholdGroup (Tax)
254ProjInvoiceTransTaxWithholdGroups_BR .TaxWithholdItemGroupHeading_TH (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdItemGroupHeading_TH .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
255PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .AccountingDistributionTemplate (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AccountingDistributionTemplate .RecId (General ledger)
256PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CashDisc (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CashDisc .CashDiscCode (Financial management)
257PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .Currency (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
258PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
259PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .Model (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocModel_BR .Model (Global financial management - Latin America)
260PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .ComplementedFiscalDocument (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocument_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
261PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .FiscalDocumentType (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
262PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
263PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .DeliveryPostalAddress (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
264PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .ThirdPartyPostalAddress (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
265PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .PaymSched (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PaymSched .Name (Accounts Payable)
266PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .Payment (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PaymTerm .PaymTermId (Accounts Payable)
267PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CanceledInvoice (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
268PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .SourceDocumentHeader (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SourceDocumentHeader .RecId (General ledger)
269PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .VendBankAccount, .VendTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendBankAccount .AccountID, .VendAccount (Procurement and sourcing)
270PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .PostingProfile (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Payable)
271PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .VendPaymModeTable, .VendPaymModeSpec (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendPaymModeSpec .PaymMode, .Specification (Accounts Payable)
272PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .VendPaymModeTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Payable)
273PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .VendTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
274PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .AccountingDistributionTemplate (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AccountingDistributionTemplate .RecId (General ledger)
275PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .AssetId, .AssetBookId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AssetBook .AssetId, .BookId (Fixed assets)
276PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .AssetBookId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AssetBookTable .BookId (Fixed assets)
277PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .AssetGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AssetGroup .GroupId (Fixed assets)
278PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .AssetId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AssetTable .AssetId (Fixed assets)
279PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .CFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
280PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
281PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
282PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .ProcurementCategory (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    EcoResCategory .RecId (Retail)
283PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .ComplementedFiscalDocumentLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentLine_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
284PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .InventDim (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
285PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .ItemId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
286PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .InventTransId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransOrigin .InventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
287PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
288PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .SourceDocumentLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SourceDocumentLine .RecId (General ledger)
289PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
290PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
291PurchImportDeclaration_BR .Port (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatPort .PortId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
292PurchImportDeclaration_BR .PortState (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressState .StateId (Sales and marketing)
293PurchShippingStat_BR .VendinvoiceInfoTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceInfoTable .RecId (Accounts Payable)
294PurchTable_BR .PurchTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
295PurchTable_BR .SalesPurchOperationType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesPurchOperationType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
296PurchTable_BR .VendFineSetup_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendFineSetup_BR .FineCode (Global financial management - Latin America)
297PurchTable_BR .VendInterestSetup_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInterestSetup_BR .InterestCode (Global financial management - Latin America)
298PurchTable_BR .InvoiceRefRecId_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceJour .RecId (Accounts Payable)
299PurchTableHistory_BR .PurchTableHistory (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTableHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
300PurchTableHistory_BR .SalesPurchOperationType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesPurchOperationType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
301PurchTableHistory_BR .InvoiceRefRecId_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceJour .RecId (Accounts Payable)
302RepomoReportTmp_MX .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
303RepomoReportTmp_MX .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
304RetailFiscalDocumentModel2_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
305RetailFiscalDocumentModel2_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
306RetailFiscalDocumentModel2_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
307RetailFiscalDocumentModel2_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
308RetailFiscalDocumentModel2Line_BR .ItemId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
309RetailFiscalDocumentModel2Line_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
310RetailFiscalDocumentModel2Line_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
311RetailFiscalDocumentModel2Line_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
312RetailFiscalDocumentModel2Line_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
313RetailFiscalDocumentModel2TaxTrans_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
314RetailFiscalDocumentModel2TaxTrans_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
315RetailFiscalDocumentModel2TaxTrans_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
316RetailFiscalDocumentModel2TaxTrans_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
317RetailFiscalDocumentModel2TaxTrans_BR .TaxCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
318RetailFiscalPrinter_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
319RetailFiscalPrinter_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
320RetailFiscalPrinter_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
321RetailFiscalPrinterReport_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
322RetailFiscalPrinterReport_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
323RetailFiscalPrinterReport_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
324RetailFiscalPrinterReport_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
325RetailFiscalReceipt_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
326RetailFiscalReceipt_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
327RetailFiscalReceipt_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
328RetailFiscalReceipt_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
329RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .ItemType (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventProductTypeTable_BR .ProductTypeId (Global financial management - Latin America)
330RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .ItemId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
331RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
332RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
333RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
334RetailFiscalReceiptLine_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
335RetailFiscalReceiptTaxTrans_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
336RetailFiscalReceiptTaxTrans_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
337RetailFiscalReceiptTaxTrans_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
338RetailFiscalReceiptTaxTrans_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
339RetailFiscalReceiptTaxTrans_BR .TaxCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTable .TaxCode (Tax)
340RetailTransactionPaymentTrans_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
341RetailTransactionPaymentTrans_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
342RetailTransactionPaymentTrans_BR .tenderType (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTenderTypeTable .tenderTypeId (Retail)
343RetailTransactionPaymentTrans_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
344RetailTransactionPaymentTrans_BR .TransactionId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTransactionTable .transactionId (Retail)
345RetailZReport_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
346RetailZReport_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
347RetailZReport_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
348RetailZReportTotalizer_BR .Origin (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailConnDistributionLocation .distributionLocationId (Retail)
349RetailZReportTotalizer_BR .StoreId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailStoreTable .StoreNumber (Retail)
350RetailZReportTotalizer_BR .TerminalId (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    RetailTerminalTable .terminalId (Retail)
351SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .AccountingDistributionTemplate (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AccountingDistributionTemplate .RecId (General ledger)
352SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CashDisc (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CashDisc .CashDiscCode (Financial management)
353SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .Currency (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
354SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CustBankAccountID, .CustTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustBankAccount .AccountID, .CustAccount (Accounts Receivable)
355SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .PostingProfile (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Receivable)
356SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CustPaymModeTable, .CustPaymModeSpec (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeSpec .PaymMode, .Specification (Accounts Receivable)
357SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CustPaymModeTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
358SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CustTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
359SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
360SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .ComplementedFiscalDocument (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocument_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
361SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .FiscalDocumentType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
362SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .FiscalEstablishment_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishment_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
363SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .ThirdPartyLogisticsPostalAddress (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
364SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .PaymSched (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PaymSched .Name (Accounts Payable)
365SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .PaymTerm (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    PaymTerm .PaymTermId (Accounts Payable)
366SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .CanceledInvoice (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
367SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .SourceDocumentHeader (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SourceDocumentHeader .RecId (General ledger)
368SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .AccountingDistributionTemplate (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    AccountingDistributionTemplate .RecId (General ledger)
369SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .CFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
370SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
371SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
372SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .EcoResCategory (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    EcoResCategory .RecId (Retail)
373SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .OriginalFiscalDocumentLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentLine_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
374SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .InventDim (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventDim .inventDimId (Inventory and warehouse management)
375SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .ItemCode (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
376SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .ProjCategory (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ProjCategory .CategoryId (Project management and accounting)
377SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .ProjFundingSource (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ProjFundingSource .RecId (Project management and accounting)
378SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .ProjTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
379SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
380SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .SourceDocumentLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SourceDocumentLine .RecId (General ledger)
381SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
382SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
383SalesLine_BR .CFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
384SalesLine_BR .DeliveryCFOPTable_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPTable_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
385SalesLine_BR .FiscalDocumentType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
386SalesLine_BR .SalesLine (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
387SalesLine_BR .TaxServiceCode_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxServiceCode_BR .ServiceCodeId (Global financial management - Latin America)
388SalesPurchOperationType_BR .CustPostingProfile (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Receivable)
389SalesPurchOperationType_BR .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
390SalesPurchOperationType_BR .InventLocationIdTransit, .Fky? (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventLocation .InventLocationId, .Pky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
391SalesPurchOperationType_BR .VendPostingProfile (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Payable)
392SalesTable_BR .CFPSId_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFPSTable_BR .CFPSId (Global financial management - Latin America)
393SalesTable_BR .FineCode_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustFineSetup_BR .FineCode (Global financial management - Latin America)
394SalesTable_BR .InterestCode_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustInterestSetup_BR .InterestCode (Global financial management - Latin America)
395SalesTable_BR .InvoiceRefRecID_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustInvoiceJour .RecId (Accounts Receivable)
396SalesTable_BR .FiscalDocumentType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalDocumentType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
397SalesTable_BR .SalesPurchOperationType_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesPurchOperationType_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
398SalesTable_BR .SalesTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
399SATAuthorizationNumber_MX .NumberSequenceTable (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    NumberSequenceTable .RecId (Server and Tools)
400TaxesMatrix_BR .CFOPGroup_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CFOPGroup_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
401TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustGroup .Pky?, .Pky?, .CustGroup (Accounts Receivable)
402TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
403TaxesMatrix_BR .FiscalEstablishmentGroup_BR (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    FiscalEstablishmentGroup_BR .RecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
404TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .ItemRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventItemGroup .Pky?, .ItemGroupId (Inventory and warehouse management)
405TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .ItemRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .Pky?, .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
406TaxesMatrix_BR .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
407TaxesMatrix_BR .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
408TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendGroup .Pky?, .Pky?, .VendGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
409TaxesMatrix_BR .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Global financial management - Latin America)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)

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