Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
1601    DEL_HRMMunicipal   :     Human resources
1602    DEL_HRMOrganization   :     Human resources
1603    DEL_HRMPartyEmployeeRelationship   :     Human resources
1604    DEL_HRMPayrollBasis   :     Human resources
1605    DEL_HRMPayrollCategory   :     Human resources
1606    DEL_HRMPayrollDeduction   :     Human resources
1607    DEL_HRMPayrollDeductionType   :     Human resources
1608    DEL_HRMPayrollFrame   :     Human resources
1609    DEL_HRMPayrollLine   :     Human resources
1610    DEL_HRMPayrollPension   :     Human resources
1611    DEL_HRMPayrollPremium   :     Human resources
1612    DEL_HRMPayrollScaleLevel   :     Human resources
1613    DEL_HRMPosition   :     Human resources
1614    DEL_HRMPositionGroupCertificateProfile   :     Human resources
1615    DEL_HRMPositionGroupEducationProfile   :     Human resources
1616    DEL_HRMPositionGroupResponsibility   :     Human resources
1617    DEL_HRMPositionGroupSkillProfile   :     Human resources
1618    DEL_HRMPositionGroupTask   :     Human resources
1619    DEL_HRMPositionStatus   :     Human resources
1620    DEL_HRMRatingLevel   :     Human resources
1621    DEL_HRMRatingModel   :     Human resources
1622    DEL_HRMReasonCode   :     Human resources
1623    DEL_HRMReminderTable   :     Human resources
1624    DEL_HRMReminderType   :     Human resources
1625    DEL_HRMResponsibility   :     Human resources
1626    DEL_HRMSkill   :     Human resources
1627    DEL_HRMSkillMappingCertificate   :     Human resources
1628    DEL_HRMSkillMappingEducation   :     Human resources
1629    DEL_HRMSkillMappingLine   :     Human resources
1630    DEL_HRMSkillMappingRange   :     Human resources
1631    DEL_HRMSkillMappingSkill   :     Human resources
1632    DEL_HRMSkillMappingTable   :     Human resources
1633    DEL_HRMSkillType   :     Human resources
1634    DEL_HRMStaffingFrame   :     Human resources
1635    DEL_HRMStockOption   :     Human resources
1636    DEL_HRMTask   :     Human resources
1637    DEL_HRMUnions   :     Human resources
1638    DEL_HRMVeteranStatus   :     Human resources
1639    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkAccommodation   :     Human resources
1640    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkCertificate   :     Human resources
1641    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkCourse   :     Human resources
1642    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkDevelopmentPlanLine   :     Human resources
1643    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkDevelopmentPlanTabl   :     Human resources
1644    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkEducation   :     Human resources
1645    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkHistory   :     Human resources
1646    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkLoan   :     Human resources
1647    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkParameters   :     Human resources
1648    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkPrivateInfo   :     Human resources
1649    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkProject   :     Human resources
1650    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkQualification   :     Human resources
1651    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkSkill   :     Human resources
1652    DEL_HRMVirtualNetworkTable   :     Human resources
1653    DEL_HRPLimitDefaultTableRelationship   :     Human resources
1654    DEL_HRPLimitTableRelationship   :     Human resources
1655    DEL_HRPLimitTypeTable   :     Human resources
1656    DEL_HRPPartyJobTable   :     Human resources
1657    DEL_HRPPartyJobTableRelationship   :     Human resources
1658    DEL_HRPPartyPositionTable   :     Human resources
1659    DEL_HRPPartyPositionTableRelationship   :     Human resources
1660    DEL_IncomingFiscalDocJourModel_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1661    DEL_InvalidIECheck_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1662    DEL_InventColor   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1663    DEL_InventDimGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1664    DEL_InventDimSetup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1665    DEL_InventLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1666    DEL_InventLocationLogisticsLocation   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1667    DEL_InventLocationUpgrade   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1668    DEL_InventPickingListJour   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1669    DEL_InventPickingListJournalLine   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1670    DEL_InventPickingListJournalLink   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1671    DEL_InventPickingListJournalTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1672    DEL_InventPickingListLink   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1673    DEL_InventPickingListTrans   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1674    DEL_InventPostPhysicalTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1675    DEL_InventPostPhysicalTrans   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1676    DEL_InventProdComLineWithoutCode   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
1677    DEL_InventPurchAccountingUpgrade   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1678    DEL_InventPurchUpgradeAccountEntries   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1679    DEL_InventSiteLogisticsLocation   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1680    DEL_InventSiteUpgrade   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1681    DEL_InventSize   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1682    DEL_InventSumDateTransPhy_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1683    DEL_InventSumUpgrade   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1684    DEL_InventTableCompany   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1685    DEL_InventTestArea   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1686    DEL_InventTestRelatedOperationsMap   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1687    DEL_InventTransOriginUpgrade   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1688    DEL_InventTxt   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1689    DEL_JmgTermRegError   :     Manufacturing
1690    DEL_KanbanMapping   :     Manufacturing
1691    DEL_KanbanQuantityPolicyUpgrade   :     Manufacturing
1692    DEL_KanbanRuleMapping   :     Manufacturing
1693    DEL_KanbanRuleProductFamily   :     Manufacturing
1694    DEL_KMConnectionDefaultRangeLine   :     Human resources
1695    DEL_KMConnectionDefaultRangeTable   :     Human resources
1696    DEL_LedgerAccountCategory   :     General ledger
1697    DEL_LedgerAccountNumFormat_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1698    DEL_LedgerAccountPeriodBalances_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1699    DEL_LedgerBalancesDimTrans   :     General ledger
1700    DEL_LedgerBalancesTrans   :     General ledger
1701    DEL_LedgerBalancesTransDelta   :     General ledger
1702    DEL_LedgerBalColumns   :     General ledger
1703    DEL_LedgerBalHeader   :     General ledger
1704    DEL_LedgerBudget   :     General ledger
1705    DEL_LedgerBudSettlement   :     General ledger
1706    DEL_LedgerControlCurrencyCode   :     General ledger
1707    DEL_LedgerControlDimension   :     General ledger
1708    DEL_LedgerControlPosting   :     General ledger
1709    DEL_LedgerControlTaxCode   :     General ledger
1710    DEL_LedgerControlUser   :     General ledger
1711    DEL_LedgerJournalControl   :     General ledger
1712    DEL_LedgerMatrixLine_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1713    DEL_LedgerMatrixTable_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1714    DEL_LedgerPeriod   :     General ledger
1715    DEL_LedgerPeriodTimeDimension   :     General ledger
1716    DEL_LedgerPrintCodeFilter_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1717    DEL_LedgerTable   :     General ledger
1718    DEL_LedgerTableAlternative   :     General ledger
1719    DEL_LedgerTableAlternativeTrans   :     General ledger
1720    DEL_LedgerTableInterval   :     General ledger
1721    DEL_LedgerTmpDebitCreditTrans_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1722    DEL_LedgerTrans   :     General ledger
1723    DEL_LedgerTransHistoryCOC   :     General ledger
1724    DEL_LedgerVoucherNumberReference_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1725    DEL_LedgerVoucherTypeReference_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1726    DEL_LegalTextID_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1727    DEL_LogisticsElectronicAddress   :     Sales and marketing
1728    DEL_LogisticsLocation   :     Sales and marketing
1729    DEL_LvBasicParameters   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1730    DEL_LvEUListCode   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1731    DEL_LvStateInvoiceCanceled   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1732    DEL_LvStateInvoiceList   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1733    DEL_LvTaxReportingCodes   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1734    DEL_LvTaxReportLines   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1735    DEL_LvTaxReportSetup   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1736    DEL_MultisiteDefaultsUpgrade   :     No Owner
1737    DEL_NewLegalText_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1738    DEL_NumberSequenceGroup   :     Server and Tools
1739    DEL_NumberSequenceGroupRef   :     Server and Tools
1740    DEL_NumberSequenceHistory   :     Server and Tools
1741    DEL_NumberSequenceList   :     Server and Tools
1742    DEL_NumberSequenceReference   :     Server and Tools
1743    DEL_NumberSequenceTable   :     Server and Tools
1744    DEL_NumberSequenceTTS   :     Server and Tools
1745    DEL_PayrollTaxCodeMapping   :     Human resources
1746    DEL_PBATranslateConsistOf   :     Manufacturing
1747    DEL_PBATreeRouteWrkCtrFixing   :     Manufacturing
1748    DEL_PdsCatchWgtItemTrans   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1749    DEL_PdsInventSum   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1750    DEL_PdsMRCReportingCountry   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1751    DEL_PdsRegion   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1752    DEL_PlCorrectionDescription   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1753    DEL_PlSysHolidayCalendar   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1754    DEL_PmfCoByProductsTableJour   :     Manufacturing
1755    DEL_PmfCoReqPurch   :     Manufacturing
1756    DEL_PmfFormulaCalcTable   :     Manufacturing
1757    DEL_PmfFormulaCalcTrans   :     Manufacturing
1758    DEL_PmfJournalCoBy   :     Manufacturing
1759    DEL_PmfReleasedVersions   :     Manufacturing
1760    DEL_PmfReqProcessPlanGroup   :     Manufacturing
1761    DEL_PmfTmpBOMCalc   :     Manufacturing
1762    DEL_PrintArchive_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1763    DEL_PRL_401KEmployerContribution   :     Human resources
1764    DEL_PRL_BurdenPostingSetup   :     Human resources
1765    DEL_PRL_FringeBenefits   :     Human resources
1766    DEL_PRL_FringeType   :     Human resources
1767    DEL_PRL_PayGrids   :     Human resources
1768    DEL_PRL_UnionGrid   :     Human resources
1769    DEL_PRLApprovalAuthority   :     Human resources
1770    DEL_PRLBankRoutingNumber   :     Human resources
1771    DEL_PRLBenefitEntitled   :     Human resources
1772    DEL_PRLBenefitRate   :     Human resources
1773    DEL_PRLBonusApproved   :     Human resources
1774    DEL_PRLBranch   :     Human resources
1775    DEL_PRLBranchGroup   :     Human resources
1776    DEL_PRLBurdenPayroll   :     Human resources
1777    DEL_PRLDeductionalDetailsByEmployees   :     Human resources
1778    DEL_PRLDeductionBenefitBasis   :     Human resources
1779    DEL_PRLDeductionCodeTable   :     Human resources
1780    DEL_PRLDeductionDetailsTable   :     Human resources
1781    DEL_PRLDisplayElement   :     Human resources
1782    DEL_PRLEmplAttendanceInfo   :     Human resources
1783    DEL_PRLEmplBankAccount   :     Human resources
1784    DEL_PRLEmplBenefits   :     Human resources
1785    DEL_PRLEmplGroup   :     Human resources
1786    DEL_PRLEmployeePayElements   :     Human resources
1787    DEL_PRLEmployeePayElementsTrans   :     Human resources
1788    DEL_PRLEmployeePayElementsTransPosted   :     Human resources
1789    DEL_PrlEmployeeUSFederalTaxSetup   :     Human resources
1790    DEL_PrlEmployeeUSLocalTaxSetup   :     Human resources
1791    DEL_PrlEmployeeUSStateTaxSetup   :     Human resources
1792    DEL_PRLFringeCode   :     Human resources
1793    DEL_PRLGeneralLiabilityInsurance   :     Human resources
1794    DEL_PRLHolidayList   :     Human resources
1795    DEL_PRLJobCat   :     Human resources
1796    DEL_PRLlocalwithholding   :     Human resources
1797    DEL_PrlNexus   :     Human resources
1798    DEL_PRLPayElementDeduction   :     Human resources
1799    DEL_PRLPayElements   :     Human resources
1800    DEL_PRLPayElementsHeader   :     Human resources

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