Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
1201    CustVendTmpCreditInvoicing   :     Accounts Receivable
1202    CustVendTmpDirective_PSN   :     Public Sector SL1
1203    CustVendTmpOpenTransBalances   :     Accounts Receivable
1204    CustVendTmpPaymProposalReport   :     Accounts Receivable
1205    CustVendTransAging   :     Accounts Receivable
1206    CustVendTransOpenStmtTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
1207    CustVendTransportCalendarSetup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1208    CustVendTransportPointLine   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1209    CustVendTransportTime   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1210    CustVendTransPostingLog_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1211    CustVendTurnoverAndBalanceTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
1212    CzCustAdvanceInvoiceLine   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1213    CzCustAdvanceInvoiceLink   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1214    CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1215    CzTaxCreditMemo   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1216    CzTaxCreditMemoTrans   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1217    CzTaxDocumentLink   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1218    CzTaxDocumentTable   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1219    CzTaxDocumentTrans   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1220    CzVendAdvanceInvoiceLine   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1221    CzVendAdvanceInvoiceLink   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1222    CzVendAdvanceInvoiceTable   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1223    dataarea   :     Unknown module
1224    DataAreaTemp   :     Server and Tools
1225    databaselog   :     Unknown module
1226    DataSetPersistenceTestTable1   :     Enterprise Portal
1227    DataSetPersistenceTestTable2   :     Enterprise Portal
1228    DateEffectiveParentTestTable   :     Human resources
1229    DateEffectiveTestTable   :     Human resources
1230    DateEffectiveValidTimeStateDateTestTable   :     Human resources
1231    DateEffectiveValidTimeStateDateTimeTest   :     Human resources
1232    DefermentSchedule_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1233    DefermentScheduleTrans_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1234    DefermentScheduleTransLines_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1235    DEL_Address   :     Sales and marketing
1236    DEL_AddressCityTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1237    DEL_AddressCityTableUpgrade_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1238    DEL_AddressCountryRegion   :     Sales and marketing
1239    DEL_AddressCountryRegionUpgrade   :     Sales and marketing
1240    DEL_AddressCounty   :     Sales and marketing
1241    DEL_AddressCountyUpgrade   :     Sales and marketing
1242    DEL_AddressFlatNumber_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1243    DEL_AddressFormatHeading   :     Sales and marketing
1244    DEL_AddressFormatLines   :     Sales and marketing
1245    DEL_AddressHouseNumber_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1246    DEL_AddressSettlement_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1247    DEL_AddressState   :     Sales and marketing
1248    DEL_AddressStateUpgrade   :     Sales and marketing
1249    DEL_AddressTown_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1250    DEL_AddressTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1251    DEL_AddressZipCode   :     Sales and marketing
1252    DEL_AddressZipCodeUpgrade   :     Sales and marketing
1253    DEL_AifAction   :     AIF
1254    DEL_AifAdapter   :     AIF
1255    DEL_AifAdapterLookup   :     AIF
1256    DEL_AifAsmxClassGenerationAttribute   :     AIF
1257    DEL_AifBizTalkServer   :     AIF
1258    DEL_AifChannel50   :     AIF
1259    DEL_AifDataPolicy   :     AIF
1260    DEL_AifDataPolicy50   :     AIF
1261    DEL_AifDataPolicyXPath   :     AIF
1262    DEL_AifDataPolicyXPath50   :     AIF
1263    DEL_AifDocumentLog   :     AIF
1264    DEL_AifEDTPropertyCache   :     AIF
1265    DEL_AifEndpoint50   :     AIF
1266    DEL_AifEndpointActionParameterSchema   :     AIF
1267    DEL_AifEndpointActionPolicy   :     AIF
1268    DEL_AifEndpointActionPolicy50   :     AIF
1269    DEL_AifEndpointActionValueMap   :     AIF
1270    DEL_AifEndpointConstraint   :     AIF
1271    DEL_AifEndpointUser   :     AIF
1272    DEL_AifLocalEndpoint   :     AIF
1273    DEL_AifLookupEntry   :     AIF
1274    DEL_AifLookupTable   :     AIF
1275    DEL_AifMessageLog   :     AIF
1276    DEL_AifPipeline   :     AIF
1277    DEL_AifPipeline50   :     AIF
1278    DEL_AifPipelineComponent   :     AIF
1279    DEL_AifPipelineComponent50   :     AIF
1280    DEL_AifSchemaStore   :     AIF
1281    DEL_AifUpgradeActionIdMap   :     AIF
1282    DEL_AifUpgradeEndpointPortMap   :     AIF
1283    DEL_AifUpgradeSerializableClassIdMap   :     AIF
1284    DEL_AifUpgradeServiceClassIdMap   :     AIF
1285    DEL_AifUpgradeServiceNodeMap   :     AIF
1286    DEL_AifValueSubstitutionComponentConfig   :     AIF
1287    DEL_AifValueSubstitutionConfig   :     AIF
1288    DEL_AifValueSubstitutionConfig50   :     AIF
1289    DEL_AifWebMethodGenerationAttribute   :     AIF
1290    DEL_AifWebsites   :     AIF
1291    DEL_AifXmlTransformConfig   :     AIF
1292    DEL_AifXsltRepository   :     AIF
1293    DEL_AmountDiffParameters_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
1294    DEL_AssetActivityCode_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1295    DEL_AssetCalendar   :     Fixed assets
1296    DEL_AssetCalendarPeriod   :     Fixed assets
1297    DEL_AssetCalendarYear   :     Fixed assets
1298    DEL_AssetFormletterParameters_W   :     Global financial management - _W
1299    DEL_AssetTransMerge   :     Fixed assets
1300    DEL_BankBAI2AccountIdentifierTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1301    DEL_BankBAI2FileRecordTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1302    DEL_BankBAI2FundsAvailibilityTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1303    DEL_BankBAI2GroupRecordTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1304    DEL_BankBAI2TransactionTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1305    DEL_BankBAI2TypeCodesTable_US   :     Global financial management - North America
1306    DEL_BankBorderoTrans_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1307    DEL_BankStatementFileFormat_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1308    DEL_BankStatementFileFormatGroup_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1309    DEL_BankStatementTrans_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1310    DEL_BankStatementTransMatch_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1311    DEL_BankStatementTransPosting_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1312    DEL_BankTransRelationship_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1313    DEL_Batch   :     Server and Tools
1314    DEL_Batch50   :     Server and Tools
1315    DEL_BatchConstraints   :     Server and Tools
1316    DEL_BatchConstraintsHistory   :     Server and Tools
1317    DEL_BatchGlobal   :     Server and Tools
1318    DEL_BatchGroup   :     Server and Tools
1319    DEL_BatchGroup50   :     Server and Tools
1320    DEL_BatchHistory   :     Server and Tools
1321    DEL_BatchJob   :     Server and Tools
1322    DEL_BatchJobAlerts   :     Server and Tools
1323    DEL_BatchJobHistory   :     Server and Tools
1324    DEL_BatchJournalLine   :     Server and Tools
1325    DEL_BatchJournalName   :     Server and Tools
1326    DEL_BatchJournalType   :     Server and Tools
1327    DEL_BatchJournalTypeJob   :     Server and Tools
1328    DEL_BatchServerConfig   :     Server and Tools
1329    DEL_BatchServerGroup   :     Server and Tools
1330    DEL_BIAnalysisCurrency   :     Business Intelligence
1331    DEL_BICurrency   :     Business Intelligence
1332    DEL_BICurrencyDimension   :     Business Intelligence
1333    DEL_BIDateDimensions   :     Business Intelligence
1334    DEL_BIDateDimensionValues   :     Business Intelligence
1335    DEL_BIExchangeRates   :     Business Intelligence
1336    DEL_BIFiltersMDX   :     Business Intelligence
1337    DEL_BIMasterCompanyExchangeRates   :     Business Intelligence
1338    DEL_BITimeDimension   :     Business Intelligence
1339    DEL_BIUdmRoles   :     Business Intelligence
1340    DEL_BlanketOrderHeaderUpgrade   :     Procurement and sourcing
1341    DEL_BudgetRevision   :     Budgeting
1342    DEL_CFOPMatrixUpgrade_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1343    DEL_CFOPTableUpgrade_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1344    DEL_ChequeLayout_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1345    DEL_ChequeLayoutDefinition_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1346    DEL_ChinaParameters_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1347    DEL_ConfigTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
1348    DEL_ContactPersonParameters_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1349    DEL_COSHierLine   :     Production control
1350    DEL_COSLedgerPeriod   :     Production control
1351    DEL_CreditCardADNSetup   :     Accounts Receivable
1352    DEL_CreditCardCustNumber   :     Accounts Receivable
1353    DEL_CreditCardMicrosoftSetup   :     Accounts Receivable
1354    DEL_CreditCardProcessorsSecurity   :     Accounts Receivable
1355    DEL_CreditCardUpgradeSetup   :     Accounts Receivable
1356    DEL_CueQuerySecurity   :     Client
1357    DEL_CuesQuery   :     Client
1358    DEL_CustBankPrinterTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1359    DEL_CustBillOfExchangeUpgrade_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1360    DEL_CustInterestRate   :     Accounts Receivable
1361    DEL_CustInvoiceJourUpgrade_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1362    DEL_CustInvoiceLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1363    DEL_CustInvoiceLineLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1364    DEL_CustInvoiceTaxFiscalDocu_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1365    DEL_CustomsExchRates_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1366    DEL_CustSalesLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1367    DEL_CustSalesLineLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1368    DEL_CustVendCommunicationTmp   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
1369    DEL_CustVendEndorsedBOE_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1370    DEL_CustVendInvoiceNum_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1371    DEL_CustVendLegalTxt_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1372    DEL_CustVendListReportSetup   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
1373    DEL_CustVendTmpVolumeCreditNote   :     Accounts Receivable
1374    DEL_CzBankConstantSymbol   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1375    DEL_CzCustAdvanceInvoiceSettlement   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1376    DEL_CzIntrastatExchRates   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1377    DEL_CzLedgerBalance   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1378    DEL_CzVendAdvanceInvoiceSettlement   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
1379    DEL_DataArea   :     Server and Tools
1380    DEL_DatabaseLog50   :     Server and Tools
1381    DEL_DigitalCertificates_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
1382    DEL_DimensionActiveHierarchyBackup   :     General ledger
1383    DEL_DimensionCollection   :     General ledger
1384    DEL_DimensionCombinationTemp   :     General ledger
1385    DEL_DimensionHierarchyCombination   :     General ledger
1386    DEL_DimensionMatrixLine_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1387    DEL_DimensionMatrixTable_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
1388    DEL_DimensionPriorityTable   :     General ledger
1389    DEL_Dimensions   :     General ledger
1390    DEL_DimensionSetCombination   :     General ledger
1391    DEL_DimensionSetCombinationDuplicate   :     General ledger
1392    DEL_DimensionSetCombinationTemp   :     General ledger
1393    DEL_DimensionSetCombinationValidated   :     General ledger
1394    DEL_DimensionSetHierarchyTable   :     General ledger
1395    DEL_DimensionSetPreSimulated   :     General ledger
1396    DEL_DimensionSetRuleCollection   :     General ledger
1397    DEL_DimensionSetRuleTable   :     General ledger
1398    DEL_DimensionSetTable   :     General ledger
1399    DEL_DirAddressBookParty   :     Sales and marketing
1400    DEL_DirECommunicationAddress   :     Sales and marketing

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