Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
801    COSPlanAccounts   :     Production control
802    COSPlanCalculation   :     Production control
803    COSPlanCostTrans   :     Production control
804    COSPlanDimensions   :     Production control
805    COSPlanLineCost   :     Production control
806    COSPlanLines   :     Production control
807    COSPlanLineTrans   :     Production control
808    COSPlanModel   :     Production control
809    COSPlanTable   :     Production control
810    COSPlanWorkLoad   :     Production control
811    COSPlanWorkTrans   :     Production control
812    COSPlanWorkUnits   :     Production control
813    COSPrintReportLine   :     Production control
814    COSRateCalcDefinition   :     Production control
815    COSReference   :     Production control
816    COSReferenceLine   :     Production control
817    COSReport   :     Production control
818    COSReportColumn   :     Production control
819    COSReportLine   :     Production control
820    COSReportPrintTmp   :     Production control
821    CostAllocationHistory_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
822    CostControlTransCommittedCost   :     Project management and accounting
823    CostingVersion   :     Production control
824    COStmpAccrualTrans   :     Production control
825    COStmpAllowedDimensions   :     Production control
826    COStmpBalancesDimHier   :     Production control
827    COStmpCalcBalances   :     Production control
828    COSTmpCalcHierarchy   :     Production control
829    COStmpCalculate   :     Production control
830    COStmpCostBalances   :     Production control
831    COSTmpCostTrans   :     Production control
832    COSTmpDateSumCode   :     Production control
833    COSTmpDimensions   :     Production control
834    COSTmpLine   :     Production control
835    COSTmpLineBudget   :     Production control
836    COStmpOffsetBalancesDimHier   :     Production control
837    COStmpPlanTrans   :     Production control
838    COSTmpReport   :     Production control
839    COSTmpReportSum   :     Production control
840    COStmpUsedDimensions   :     Production control
841    COStmpVersion   :     Production control
842    COStmpWorkBalances   :     Production control
843    COSTmpWorkUnits   :     Production control
844    COSTransTmp   :     Production control
845    CostSheetCache   :     Production control
846    CostSheetCalculationBasis   :     Production control
847    CostSheetCalculationFactor   :     Production control
848    CostSheetCostGroupImpact   :     Production control
849    CostSheetNodeTable   :     Production control
850    CostSheetTable   :     Production control
851    CostSheetTmpNodeTable   :     Production control
852    CostTmpCalcCode2ProdCalcTrans   :     Production control
853    CostTmpCalcTrans   :     Production control
854    CostTmpCostRollup   :     Production control
855    CostTmpSheetCalcResult   :     Production control
856    COSVersion   :     Production control
857    COSWorkBudget   :     Production control
858    COSWorkDistribution   :     Production control
859    COSWorkDistributionLine   :     Production control
860    COSWorkLine   :     Production control
861    COSWorkOffset   :     Production control
862    COSWorkTrans   :     Production control
863    CreditCardAccountSetup   :     Accounts Receivable
864    CreditCardAuthTrans   :     Accounts Receivable
865    CreditCardCust   :     Accounts Receivable
866    CreditCardProcessors   :     Accounts Receivable
867    CreditCardTypeCurrency   :     Accounts Receivable
868    CreditCardTypeSetup   :     Accounts Receivable
869    CueRunTable1   :     Client
870    CueRunTable2   :     Client
871    CueTest   :     Client
872    Currency   :     General ledger
873    CurrencyBLWI   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
874    CurrencyEuroDenomination   :     General ledger
875    CurrencyFactor_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
876    CurrencyGender   :     General ledger
877    CurrencyLedgerGainLossAccount   :     General ledger
878    CurrencyNameDeclension_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
879    CurrencyOnlineConversion   :     General ledger
880    CurrentEquityByDimensionTmp   :     Public Sector SL1
881    CustAccountStatementExtTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
882    CustAdvanceInvoiceSettlement_W   :     Global financial management - _W
883    CustAging   :     Accounts Receivable
884    CustAgingAnalysisofPaymentTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
885    CustAgingLegalEntity   :     Accounts Receivable
886    CustAgingLine   :     Accounts Receivable
887    CustAgingReportSummaryTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
888    CustAgingReportTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
889    CustAgingTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
890    CustAuditorTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
891    CustBalancebyCustGroupTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
892    CustBalanceByDimensionTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
893    CustBalanceByProfileTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
894    CustBalancebySalesGroupTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
895    CustBalanceListTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
896    CustBalanceListTmp_MY   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
897    CustBalanceTurnoverRegisterTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
898    CustBankAccount   :     Accounts Receivable
899    CustBillingClassification   :     Public Sector SL1
900    CustBillingClassificationCode   :     Public Sector SL1
901    CustBillingCode   :     Public Sector SL1
902    CustBillingCodeCustomField   :     Public Sector SL1
903    CustBillingCodeLedgerAccount   :     Public Sector SL1
904    CustBillingCodeRate   :     Public Sector SL1
905    CustBillingCodeVersion   :     Public Sector SL1
906    CustBillOfExchangeInvoice   :     Accounts Receivable
907    CustBillOfExchangeJour   :     Accounts Receivable
908    CustBillOfExchangeJourExtensionJP   :     Accounts Receivable
909    CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
910    CustBillOfExchangeReportTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
911    CustBillOfExchangeTrans   :     Accounts Receivable
912    CustBillOfExchangeTransExtensionJP   :     Accounts Receivable
913    CustClassificationGroup   :     Accounts Receivable
914    CustCollectionJourTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
915    CustCollectionLetterJour   :     Accounts Receivable
916    CustCollectionLetterLine   :     Accounts Receivable
917    CustCollectionLetterTable   :     Accounts Receivable
918    CustCollectionletterTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
919    CustCollectionLetterTrans   :     Accounts Receivable
920    CustCollectionsAgent   :     Accounts Receivable
921    CustCollectionsAgentPool   :     Accounts Receivable
922    CustCollectionsCaseDetail   :     Accounts Receivable
923    CustCollectionsContact   :     Accounts Receivable
924    CustCollectionsPool   :     Accounts Receivable
925    CustCollectionsTmpCriteria   :     Accounts Receivable
926    CustConfirmJour   :     Procurement and sourcing
927    CustConfirmSalesLink   :     Procurement and sourcing
928    CustConfirmTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
929    CustConsInvoice_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
930    CustCustomField   :     Public Sector SL1
931    CustDebitCreditNoteTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
932    CustDefaultLocation   :     Accounts Receivable
933    CustDirective_PSN   :     Public Sector SL1
934    CustDispute   :     Accounts Receivable
935    CustDomStatementTmp_BE   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
936    CustDueAmountAnalysisTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
937    CustDueReportDetailTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
938    CustDueReportSummaryTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
939    CustEgiroFtxAnalyse   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
940    CustEgiroParameters   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
941    CustEgiroSegmentTrans   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
942    CustEinvoiceDatasource   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
943    CustEinvoiceDatasourceFields   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
944    CustEinvoiceHeader   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
945    CustEinvoiceIntegration   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
946    CustEinvoiceIntegrationError   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
947    CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
948    CustEinvoiceIntegrationTrans   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
949    CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
950    CustEinvoiceLines   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
951    CustEinvoiceTable   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
952    CustEPRemitInfo_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
953    CustExchRateAdjSimulationTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
954    CustExchRateAdjustment   :     Accounts Receivable
955    CustFineSetup_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
956    CustFiscalDocumentType_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
957    CustFormletterDocument   :     Procurement and sourcing
958    CustFormletterParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
959    CustGroup   :     Accounts Receivable
960    CustInPaymentCHTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
961    CustInPaymTmp_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
962    CustInPaymTmpNO   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
963    CustInPaymTmpSE   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
964    CustInterest   :     Accounts Receivable
965    CustInterestAdjustmentHistory   :     Accounts Receivable
966    CustInterestFee   :     Accounts Receivable
967    CustInterestJour   :     Accounts Receivable
968    CustInterestNoteTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
969    CustInterestRange   :     Accounts Receivable
970    CustInterestSetup_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
971    CustInterestTrans   :     Accounts Receivable
972    CustInterestTransLine   :     Public Sector SL1
973    CustInterestTransLineIdRef   :     Public Sector SL1
974    CustInterestTransLineIdRef_MarkupTrans   :     Public Sector SL1
975    CustInterestVersion   :     Accounts Receivable
976    CustInterestVersionDetail   :     Accounts Receivable
977    CustInterestWaiveLimit   :     Accounts Receivable
978    CustInterestWriteOffUnPostedJournal   :     Accounts Receivable
979    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldBase   :     Public Sector SL1
980    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldBool   :     Public Sector SL1
981    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldDateTime   :     Public Sector SL1
982    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldInt   :     Public Sector SL1
983    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldReal   :     Public Sector SL1
984    CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldText   :     Public Sector SL1
985    CustInvoice4PaymFTILink   :     Accounts Receivable
986    CustInvoice4PaymJour_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
987    CustInvoice4PaymSalesLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
988    CustInvoice4PaymTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
989    CustInvoiceBackorderLine   :     Accounts Receivable
990    CustInvoiceDistributionTemplate   :     Accounts Receivable
991    CustInvoiceDuplicateTable_W   :     Global financial management - _W
992    CustInvoiceJour   :     Accounts Receivable
993    CustInvoiceJour_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
994    CustInvoiceJour_Intrastat   :     Accounts Receivable
995    CustInvoiceJour_Officials   :     Accounts Receivable
996    CustInvoiceJour_PL   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
997    CustInvoiceJour_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
998    CustInvoiceJour_W   :     Global financial management - _W
999    CustInvoiceJourAdjustment   :     Accounts Receivable
1000    CustInvoiceJourCorrectionType_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia

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