Case study 5 Master planning
Firm and review a planned purchase order, change it to production, and verify the change.
Create a planning group, assign an item allocation key, and run the intercompany master plan.
Exercise #1 Process and view planned orders
Objective: Firm and review a planned purchase order, change it to production, and verify the change.
The planning manager in USMF wants to know how to setup, manage, and use the master planning module, as well as how to process planned orders.
To firm planned orders, He will need to be sure that the master planning is running correctly, or there are some planned orders in the form that you can use.
You were called to help the planning manager to perform the above tasks
You will need to use the following:
Firm a planned purchase order.
Review the purchase order.
Change the planned purchase order type.
Review the planned order and verify the change
Firm a planned order
Open Master planning > Master planning > Planned orders.
On the Planned orders page, select the line for order number 004126.
Click the Firm button in the action pane.
On the Firming page, in the Update marking field, select Standard.
Click OK.
Review the purchase order
Open Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
On the All purchase orders page, sort the list by the Delivery date field.
Verify the firmed order is now listed with a status of Open order.
Close the pages.
Change a planned order type
You need to change the planned order type for an order.
Open Master planning > Master planning > Planned orders.
On the Planned orders page, select the line for order number 004137.
Select the Planned order tab in the action pane.
Click the Change to … drop-down arrow in the Maintain area.
Select Planned production order.
On the Change to planned production order page, click OK.
Review the planned order and verify the change
On the Planned orders list page, verify that the Reference field has been updated to Planned production orders for order number 004262.
Close the pages.
Exercise #2 Create and run intercompany master plans
Objective: Create a planning group, assign an item allocation key, and run the intercompany master plan.
You were called to help the materials and production scheduling manager, to develop a new intercompany planning group.
Assemblies are shipped from DEMF to USMF.
While at USMF they are painted and finished with the North American logo.
Then they are transferred to the USRT operation for sale.
He wants to use the Plans 20, DynPlan, and MasterPlan respectively to accomplish this goal.
He would like to validate the Intercompany master planning parameters and perform some setups before running the intercompany master plan.
Then he would need to run the intercompany plan using the planning group that he will create. Finally he would want to view the results in the intercompany supply and demand form.
Would you assist the planning manager in doing the following?
Create an intercompany planning group.
Assign an item allocation key.
Run an intercompany master plan.
Create an intercompany planning group
In the USMF Company, click Show navigation pane.
Open Master planning > Setup > Intercompany planning groups.
Click New on the Action pane.
Enter Intercompa in the Name field and Intercompany Extended Group in the description.
Click Save.
Click New on the tool bar for Intercompany planning group members tab.
Select DEMF in the Legal entity field.
Enter 0 in the Scheduling sequence field.
Select 20 for the Master plan field.
Leave Automatic Copy to Static Plan and Automatic Copy to Dynamic Plan checkboxes blank.
Click Save.
Assign item allocation key
Select Master Planning > Setup > Demand Forecasting > Item Allocation Keys.
Select Wizard.
Select Audio from Item Group drop-down menu.
Type Audio Group in Name box.
Click Next.
Click Next on the Overview page after verifying information is correct.
Click Finish on the Completed page after verifying information is correct.
Switch to the DEMF company. Repeat steps 1 - 7.
Switch to the USMF company.
Select Demand Forecasting > Intercompany Planning Groups.
Select Item Allocation Keys.
Select Apples under the Unassigned Item Allocation Keys box, then
Select Audio under the Unassigned Item Allocation Keys box, then
Select > to move it to the Assigned Allocation Keys box.
Run an intercompany master plan
As the materials and production manager, you will need run the intercompany plan utilizing the intercompany planning group that you created earlier. View the results in the intercompany supply and demand form.
In the USMF company, click Show navigation pane.
Open Master planning > Run > Intercompany master planning.
Select Intercompa for Intercompany planning group.
Select 2 for Number of intercompany planning iterations.
Select Regeneration for First iteration.
Select Net change for Subsequent iteration.
Select Track processing time setting slider to No.
Set Number of threads to 0.
Click Run in the background.
Click OK.
Open Master planning > Inquiries and reports > Intercompany master planning > Intercompany supply and demand.