Case study 4 Quality control and quality management
Enable quality management; create tests, item sampling, definitions and process of the quality management process.
Create a manual quality order with a specification.
Work with non-conformance issues like faulty items by defining several required specifications.
Create and process a non-conformance order to have an item repaired and to adjust a faulty machine.
Run a non-conformance report, a non-conformance tag report, and a corrections report
Exercise #1 Enable quality management process that specifies items to be inspected at the time of picking
Objective: Enable quality management; create tests, item sampling, definitions and process of the quality management process.
The quality manager in USMF wants to know how to enable a quality management process requiring that incoming inventory for all TV products be inspected immediately at the time of picking.
When she create a sales order for item T0002 and during the picking step, a quality order will be automatically created.
To be able to proceed with picking and packing the sales order she will have to process the quality order.
Can you assess her to do the following?
Enable quality management in Inventory management parameters.
Create tests.
Create test variables to define the test results are recorded.
Set up item sampling.
Create quality and item groups.
Create a test group.
Define when quality orders will be created.
Process quality orders.
Enable quality management
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Inventory and warehouse management parameters.
Click the Quality management tab.
Set the Use quality management option to Yes.
Click Report setup. In USMF, the report setup for quality management is already defined. If this wasn’t done, you’d add new lines here for the different report types, and select the type of document to be used for each report.
Close all pages.
Create a test
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Tests.
Click New.
In the Test field, type eBookTest.
In the Description field, type Test eBook.
In the Type field, select Option to assign the test results based on pre-defined values.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Create Test variables to define the way test results are recorded
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Test variables.
Click New.
In the Variable field, type Power.
In the Description field, type Power up.
Click Save.
Click Outcomes.
Click New.
In the Outcome field, type ON.
In the Description field, type Device starts normally.
In the Outcome status field, select Pass.
Click Save.
Click New.
In the Outcome field, type OFF.
In the Description field, type Device does not power up.
In the Outcome status field, select Fail.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Set up item sampling
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Item sampling.
Click New.
In the Item sampling field, type One.
In the Description field, type one sample.
In the Quantity specification field select Fixed quantity.
In the Value field, enter 1. This value relates to the Quantity specification that’s selected in the adjacent field.
Expand or collapse the Process section.
Select or clear the Full blocking option. If you select this option, the whole lot or order line quantity is blocked if a test is failed. If you don’t select it, only the items in the quality order are blocked.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Create a quality and item group
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Quality groups.
Click New.
In the Quality group field, type eBookQG. Use a descriptive name to help you identify which kind of items the group will contain (your sampling criteria).
In the Description field, type Quality group for TVs.
Click Save.
Click Add items.
Select the Item number row. In this example the filtering will be run based on the item number.
In the Criteria field, type T* to filter on the item numbers that start with T.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Close all pages.
Create a test group
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Test groups.
Click New.
In the Test group field, type eBookTG. Give the test group a name that will help you remember what kind of tests are being run, and which quality group it should be associated with.
In the Description field, type Test group for TVs.
In the Item sampling field, select One.
Under the Overview tab, click Add.
In the Sequence number field, enter 1.
In the Test field, select eBookTest.
Click the Test tab.
In the Variable field, select Power.
In the Default outcome field, click the drop-down button to open the lookup.
Select ON.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Define when quality orders will be created
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Quality associations.
Click New.
In the Reference type field, select Sales.
In the Item code field, select Group.
In the Item field, enter or select eBookQG.
Expand the Process section.
In the Event type field, select Picking process is scheduled.
Expand the Quality order process section.
In the Event blocking field, enter or select Picking process.
Expand the Specifications section.
In the Test group field, enter or select eBookTG.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Process quality orders
Go to Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders.
Click New.
In the Customer account field, select US-013.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, enter or select T0002.
On the Action Pane, click Pick and pack.
Click Quality orders. Note that currently there is no quality order.
Close the page.
Click Generate picking list.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Read the error message generated preventing you from continuing the process of picking and packing because you have now a quality order .
Click Quality orders. Note the quality order automatically is generated.
Review the tests.
Click Results.
Set Result quantity to 1.
Set Test result to ON.
Click Validate.
Close the page.
Click Validate.
Click OK.
Close the quality order page.
Click Generate picking list.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Once back on the Sales order page, clear the messages via the X.
Note that there is no error because you have passed the quality order test.
Click Picking list registration.
Click Updates.
Click Update all.
Close the form.
Click Post packing slip.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Close all pages.
Exercise #2 Create a manual quality order with a specification
Objective: Create a manual quality order with a specification.
The quality manager must deal with non conformance and quality issues and track the cause of any problems.
He wants make sure that the shipped products have a quality expected by USMF so he asked an employee in sales, to make an additional selection for the HDMI cable item A0002 for impedance by creating a manual quality order with a specification.
The sales employee is new and not sure what to do. You were called to help the sales employee. What features you will be using to perform the above tasks?
You will need to do the following:
Create a manual quality order.
Open Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Quality management > Quality orders.
Click New.
Select Inventory as the Reference type.
Select Item number A0002.
Select eBookTG as the Test group.
Type “1.00” in the Quantity field.
Select 2 in the Site field.
Select 24 in the Warehouse field.
Select Available in the Inventory status field.
Click OK.
In the bottom pane, select the line where Sequence is 10 (Length), and then click Results.
In the Result quantity field, type “1.00”.
In the Test result field, type “100.00”.
Click Validate and close the form.
Select the line where Sequence is 20 (Rub and Scratch), and then click Results.
In the Result quantity field, type “1.00”.
Click Validate and close the form.
Exercise #3 Define conditions to work with non-conformance issues
Objective: Work with non-conformance issues like faulty items by defining several required specifications.
Due to recent issues with customers returning faulty computers, you want to setup some processes to deal with faulty items in the system.
You will need to define several conditions to work with non-conformance: problems and diagnostic types, operations, quality charges, and quarantine zones.
You will need to do the following:
Add diagnostic types.
Add a quarantine zone.
Work with nonconformance
Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management > Problem types.
Click New.
Enter Temperature in both Problem type and Description fields.
Click Save.
Add diagnostic types
Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management > Diagnostic types.
Click New.
Enter Machine temperature in both Diagnostic and Description fields.
Click Save.
Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management > Operations.
Click New.
Enter Adjustment temp in both Operation and Description fields.
Select Purchase order in the type field.
Click Save.
Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management > Quality charges.
Click New.
Enter Repair in both Problem type and Description fields.
Click Save.
Add a quarantine zone
Open Inventory management > Setup > Quality management > Quarantine zones.
Click New.
Enter Repair in both Quarantine zone and Description fields.
Click Save.
Exercise #4 Use non-conformance order to repair an item and a faulty machine (Bonus)
Objective: Create and process a non-conformance order to have an item repaired and to adjust a faulty machine.
The company discovered a faulty computer in the inventory, and you will need to raise a non-conformance order to get it fixed.
The item you found will need to be to be taken out of stock and repaired.
A machine has caused this fault and will need to be adjusted to prevent more items to be faulty.
You will need to do the following:
Create and process a non-conformance order.
Open Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Quality management > Non Conformances.
Click New.
Select Internal in Non conformance field.
Enter 1000 in the Item number field.
Enter Enclosure as the problem type.
Enter 5.00 in the Defective quantity field.
Enter 1 in the Site field.
Enter 13 in the Warehouse field.
Click OK.
Click the Function button (you may need to click the ellipsis toward the top right of the screen) and select Approve non conformance.
Click Yes.
Click the Related operations button.
Click New.
Select Enclosure in the Operation field.
Enter Damaged in the Reason field.
Click Save.
Click the Items button.
Click New.
Select A0001 as the item number.
Enter 1.00 in the Quantity field.
Click Save and close form.
Click Quality Charges button.
Click New.
Select Rework in the Charges code field.
Enter Rework in the Description field.
Enter 100.00 in the Charges value field.
Click Save and exit form.
Click Timesheet button.
Click New.
Enter 5.0 in the Operation hours field.
Click Save and exit form.
Close the Related operations form.
Click the Corrections button.
Click New.
Select Machine adjustment in the Diagnostic field.
Select 000002 (Charlie Carson) in the Worker field. Press Select.
Select High in the Correction priority field.
Click the Save button.
Click the Mark Complete button.
Click OK and close the form.
Click the Functions button and select Close non conformance.
Click Yes.
Exercise #5 Run non-conformance reports
Objective: Run a non-conformance report, a non-conformance tag report, and a corrections report.
The quality manager must review conformance items created during the month as well as any corrections made that are related to conformance.
At the end of each month, he will need to run the reports and validate the output.
The quality manager is not sure where or how to do so. You were called to help.
You will need to do the following:
Run a non-conformance report.
Run a non-conformance tag report.
Run a correction report.
Run a non-conformance report
Open Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > Quality management > Non Conformance.
Click OK.
Run a non-conformance tag report
Open Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > Quality management > Non Conformance tag.
Click OK.
Run a correction report
Open Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > Quality management > Corrections.
Click OK.