Module 2 Manage manufacturing processes
Case study 1A Discrete, Process and Lean manufacturing features
Exercise #1: Update the production control parameters
When you are starting to use the Production control module, you are required to do some configurations that will help the system operate according to your design and process design
The Operations manager at USMF, wants to make some changes to the policies so everything runs more efficiently. He wants to be sure routes are not allowed to be modified or have their approvals removed. In order to accomplish this, a new route operation should be created, and the effective dates updated
Can you help the operation manager to perform this?
You will have to do the following:
- Update the production control parameters
Go to Production control > Setup > Production control parameters.
Set the Block removal of approval slider to Yes under the Routes group.
Set the Block editing slider to Yes under the Routes group.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Exercise #2: Create new production pools
USFM has been getting reports from the customers that orders are not arriving on time and that some of the delivered orders are missing pieces. One of the supervisor wants you to determine what is causing these problems so the company can find a solution.
You decide that you want more visibility into production orders that are delayed, and you want to track subcontracted production orders that are missing deliveries, production orders with missing materials and orders that are delayed due to machine failures
How would you perform this?
You will have to do the following:
Production pool for Delayed sub contracted work
Production pool for missing materials
Production pool for machine failures
Create a production pool for delayed subcontracted work
Open Production control > Setup > Production > Production pools
Click New to create a new pool.
Type Delay-Sub in the Pool field.
Type Subcontracted Work Delayed in the Name field.
Create a production pool for missing materials
Click New to create a new pool.
Type MATMISSING in the Pool field.
Type Materials Missing in the Name field.
Create a production pool for machine failures
Click New to create a new pool.
Type MACHFAIL in the Pool field.
Type Machine Failure in the Name field.
Exercise #3: Create and manage resources
Company USMF has bought a new packing robot that will reduce the need for manual labor in the speaker packing workshop.
Workers from this group can therefore be reassigned to perform other work as the new robot becomes fully operational.
You were asked to add the robot as a resource
How would you perform this?
You will have to do the following:
Create capabilities
Assign resource to capabilities
Assign capabilities to a resource
Create capabilities
Go to Organization administration > Resources > Resource capabilities.
Click New.
Type GTL-Assembly in the Capability field and Assembly in the Description field.
Click New.
Type GTL-Packing in the Capability field and Packing in the Description field.
Close the Resource capabilities page.
Assign resources to capability
Go to Organization administration > Resources > Resource capabilities.
Select GTL-Assembly from the list of capabilities.
Click Add from the Action Pane.
Select 5110, Assembly worker 1, in the Resource field.
Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
Type 1 in the Priority field.
Accept the default Level of 0.00.
Repeat steps 3 to 7, for the resource 5111.
Close the Resource capabilities page.
Assign capabilities to a resource
Go to Organization administration > Resources > Resources.
Select resource 5111 in the grid.
Expand the Capabilities FastTab.
Select View > All from the Action Pane.
Click Add from the Action Pane.
Type GTL-Packing in the Capability field.
Accept the default Effective date of today’s date.
Accept the default Expiration date of Never.
Accept the default Level of 0.00.
Type 2 in the Priority field
Close the Resources page.
Exercise #4: Create an operation, assign relations and create a route
The company you are consulting has decided to produce a series of ebooks for a client.
The production manager at USMF, wants to create an operation for the finished good, assign relations, and create a route
Can you help the production manager?
You will have to do the following:
- Create and configure an operation
Go to Production control > All routes.
Click New.
In the Name field, type eBook route.
In the Item group field, enter or select TV&Video.
Click Save.
Click Route details.
Click New.
In the Operation field, enter or select Assembly.
In the Next field, enter 20.
In the Link type field, select Soft.
Click New.
In the Oper. No. field, enter 20.
In the Operation field, enter or select Padding.
In the Next field, enter 30.
In the Link type field, select Hard.
Click New.
In the Oper. No. field, enter 30.
In the Priority field, select Primary.
In the Operation field, enter or select Packing.
Refresh the page.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Go to Production control > Setup > Routes > Operations.
Click New.
In the Operation field, type eBook.
In the Name field, type eBook assembly.
Click Relations.
Click New.
In the Route group field, enter or select Discrete.
Expand the Setup section.
In the Formula field, select Capacity.
In the Costing resource field, enter or select 1211.
In the Route relation field, enter or select eBook route created in previous steps and Route code should be set to Route.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Exercise #5: Create a simple BOM without a version
You have been asked to assist the product designer at USMF and show her how to create a simple BOM for a new light cabinet.
You will approve the BOM using employee 000020, Julia Funderburk.
You will use the parameters on the right
Name: Light Cabinet
Item group: Audio
Site: 1
M0005 Enclosure
M0006 Binding posts
P0002 Speaker Damping Foam
Quantity for each item: 1
You will have to do the following:
- Create a simple BOM
Go to Product information management > Bills of materials and formulas > Bills of materials.
Click New.
In the Name field, type Light Cabinet.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
In the Item group field, enter or select Audio.
Click Save.
In the Bill of materials lines section, click New.
In the Item number field, type M0005.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M0006.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type P0002.
In the action pane, click Approval. Select 000020, Julia Funderburk.
Click OK.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Exercise #6: Create a BOM in the BOM designer (Bonus)
The new product designer at USMF has received a new specification for the enclosure side of a cabinet.
She has requested your assistance.
You see that an item is not set up for this specification, so you only need to create a simple BOM with component lines.
Use employee 000020, Julia Funderburk, to approve the BOM.
Create a BOM titled “High Quality Speaker” and assign it to the Audio item group at site 1. Use the BOM designer to add items with warehouse 11 and the following quantities:
1 qty of M0008/High End Cabinet/Black
2 qty of M0002/Mid-Range Speaker Unit
1 qty of M0009/Protective Corners
You will have to do the following:
- Create a BOM in the BOM designer
Go to Product information management > Bills of materials and formulas > Bills of materials.
Click New.
In the Name field, type High Quality Speaker.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Item group field, enter or select Audio.
Click Designer.
Click Formula lines.
Click Add to component BOM.
In the list, find and select M0008 / High End Cabinet / Black.
Click OK.
Click Formula lines.
Click Add after line.
In the list, find and select M0009 / Protective Corners.
Click OK.
Click Forumla lines.
Click Add before line.
In the list, find and select M0002 / Mid-Range Speaker Unit.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Refresh the page.
In the list of Bill of materials lines, find and select the row for M0002 / Mid-Range Speaker Unit.
Set Quantity to 2.0000.
Click Approval at the top. Select 000020, Julia Funderburk.
Click OK.
Close all pages.
Exercise #7: Create a BOM with a version
The sales department has reported that there is a high demand for rosewood colored speakers instead of the traditional black.
You are asked to prepare for the manufacture of more rosewood colored speakers by creating a version, making a copy of the existing BOM, removing item M0008/High End Cabinet/ Black and add item M0008/High End Cabinet/Red for a quantity of 1.
Employee 000020, Julia Funderburk must approve the version.
Do not activate the BOM because the item is not ready for use yet.
Use the specifications given at right
Item number: 72708
Item name: High Quality Speaker Rosewood
Item group: Audio
Item model group: FIFO
Storage Dimension group: SiteWH
Tracking Dimension group: None
Warehouse 11
Approved by: 000020, Julia Funderburk
You will have to do the following:
- Create a BOM with a version
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Click New.
In the Product number field, type 72708.
In the Product name field, type High Quality Speaker Red.
In the Item model group field, enter or select FIFO.
In the Item group field, enter or select Audio.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select SiteWH.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select None.
Click OK.
On the Action Pane, click Manage inventory.
Click Default order settings.
In the Default order type field, select Production.
Under the Inventory FastTab, In the Default warehouse field, type 11.
Close the page.
On the Action Pane, click Engineer.
Click Designer.
Click BOM.
Click Create version.
In the Name field, type High Quality Speaker Rosewood.
Select Yes in the Copy field.
In the Site field, type 1.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, enter or select D0004.
Click OK.
In the tree, select Item number: 72708\M0008 / High End Cabinet.
Click BOM lines.
Click Delete.
Click BOM lines.
Click Add before line.
In the list, find and select M0008 / High End Cabinet / Rosewood.
Click OK.
In the tree, select Item number: 72708.
Click BOM.
Click BOM versions.
Click Approval. Select 000020, Julia Funderburk.
Select Yes in the Do you also want to approve the bill of materials? field.
Click OK.
Close all pages.
Exercise #8: Create a production order
The minimum information required to create a production order is an active bill of materials.
Create a new production order to test the previously created BOM
You will have to do the following:
- Create a new production order
Go to Production control > Production orders > All production orders.
Click New production order.
In the Item number field, enter or select 72708.
Set Quantity to 10.00.
In the Time field, enter 10:15 AM.
Click Create.
Click Estimate.
Click OK.
Click Release.
Click OK.
Click Start.
Click OK.
Click Report as finished.
Click OK.
Click End.
Click OK.
Close all pages.
Exercise #9: Start a discrete production order (Bonus)
You can get production orders either manually created or firmed from the Master planning with status “Scheduled”
The production of the ash enclosure back sides of the speakers is ready to be started.
The production supervisor wants to use the start form and select a production order with status of “Scheduled” to start.
Can you help the production manager to perform this?
You will have to do the following:
- Start a discrete production order
Click Production control > Production orders > All production orders.
Select any production order with the production order status set to Scheduled (for example, P000171).
On the Production order action pane, click Start.
On the Overview tab, in the Quantity field, enter the quantity 2.00 of the production order to produce.
In the Date field, enter today’s date for the date that the production starts.
Select the Start production check box.
Click OK.
Exercise #10: Run a resource schedule
The Production Manager wants to use a newly purchased assembly robot to increase flexibility in production.
In the past, when she designed the production process (route) for a product, she had to specify where each operation was to be performed.
Now, she want to defer the allocation of where and by whom an operation is performed until the production is scheduled, and to use excess capacity in other workshops to eliminate bottlenecks in heavily loaded workshops.
She is not sure how to do so and asked for your help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create capabilities and resources
Identify the resources applicable for the operation
Add requirements for a capability to an operation
Create capabilities and resources
Navigate to Organization administration > Resources > Resource capabilities.
Click New.
Type 20 in the Capability field and Assembly in the Description field.
Click New.
Type 30 in the Capability field and Packing in the Description field.
Expand the Resources FastTab.
Click Add.
Select 1222 (Speaker packing worker 1) in the Resource field.
Accept the default expiration date of Never.
Accept the default Level of 0.00.
Type 1 in the Priority field.
Close the Resource capabilities form.
Open Organization administration > Resources > Resources.
Click New.
Type 000727 in the Resource field.
Type Assembly robot in the Description field.
Accept the default of Machine in the Type field.
Open the Capabilities FastTab.
Click Add.
Select 20 in the Capability field.
Accept the default expiration date of Never.
Accept the default Level of 0.00.
Type 1 in the Priority field.
Expand the Resource groups FastTab.
Click View > All.
Click Add.
Type 1210 in the Resource group field, type the next working day in the Effective field, and then accept the default expiration date of Never.
Accept the default Input warehouse.
Accept the default Input location.
Scroll up, expand Calendars tab, and click Add.
Select 24hr in the Calendar field.
Close the Resources form.
Identify resources applicable for the operation
Navigate to Production control > Operations > All routes
Select route 000002 (STANDARD SPEAKER - D0003) by clicking on the link for 000002.
Click Route > Route details.
Verify operation 10 is selected in the grid of the Route form.
Click Applicable Resources.
Notice that all the resources from the 1210 resource group are listed.
Click Scroll one day forward by clicking the Next day button or choose the date picker field.
Click OK.
Close the Applicable resources form.
To add requirements for a capability to an operation, follow these steps:
In the Route details form for route 000002, with operation 10 selected in the grid, select the Resource requirements tab.
In the Resource requirements grid, select the line where Requirement type is Capability and Requirement is Assembly.
Click Delete, and then click Yes to delete the record.
Click Maintain resource requirements. This starts the wizard.
On the welcome screen, click Next.
On the search criteria screen, select Capability in the Requirement type field.
Type 20 in the Requirement field.
Click Next.
On the action screen, leave the defaults and click Next.
On the New resource requirements screen, set Requirement type to Capability, Requirement to 20, and check the Operation scheduling and Job scheduling check boxes.
Click Next.
On the summary screen, review your options and click Finish.
Close all pages.
Exercise #12: Configure costing policies
At USMF, you need to set profit-settings to help sales personnel calculate an accurate sales price after considering all costs for cabinet item D0002.
You should also be able to view the costing sheet to analyze the cost breakdown
Can you help the sales personnel?
You will have to do the following:
Update the profit settings on the item
Review the costing sheet setup
View the calculation details on the item
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of D0002.
In the list, click D0002 to open the details page.
Expand the Manage costs FastTab.
Click M9 cost group to open the cost group details page.
Click Edit.
Set Profit percentage to 40.00.
Click Add.
In the Profit-setting field, select Profit 1.
Set Profit percentage to 70.00.
Click Save.
Close the page.
On the Action Pane, click Engineer.
Click BOM versions.
Under the Bill of materials lines, click M0005 to open the Product information dialog box.
Click M0005 item number (not product number) to open the Product details page.
Click Cost group M2 in the Manage costs FastTab to open the Cost group details page.
Click Edit.
Set Profit percentage to 30.00.
Click Add.
In the Profit-setting field, select Profit 1.
Set Profit percentage to 60.00.
Close the page.
Close all pages.
Go to Cost management > Indirect cost accounting policies setup > Costing sheets.
In the tree, select Root\Cost of Conversion\COC-Material\COC - M2 - Cabinets comp.
Review the structure of the costing sheet.
- In the tree, select **Root\Cost of Conversion\Overhead on Conversion\COC
- OVH4 - Labor overhead\Indirect labor cost - Rate per process time**.
Review the Absorption basis, and Rate FastTabs values.
- In the tree, select **Root\Cost of Conversion\Overhead on Conversion\COC
- OVH4 - Labor overhead**.
Click on OVH4
Set Profit percentage to 80.00.
Close all pages.
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of D0002.
Click the D0002 link to open the product details screen.
On the Action Pane, click Manage costs.
Click Item price.
Click the Pending prices tab.
Click Calculate item cost.
In the Costing version field, enter or select 10.
Click OK.
Click View calculation details.
Click the Costing sheet tab.
Analyze the cost breakdown for the cabinet D0002.
- Close all pages.
Exercise #13: Configure manufacturing execution (Bonus)
The Production Manager, determined that the best way to post picking lists is to use the operation quantity feedback (backflush on operations) method.
If the actual consumption on BOM items differs from the estimated consumption, the employee can enter the actual item consumption when providing quantity feedback
The production manager not sure how to perform this and asked for your help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
- Update the parameters under manufacturing execution production order default parameters
Open Production control > Setup > Manufacturing execution > Production order defaults.
On the Start tab, select Status in the Update start on-line field.
In the Automatic BOM consumption field, select Never.
Click the Operations tab.
Set the Setup option to No.
In the Automatic BOM consumption field, select Always.
Click the Report as finished tab.
In the Update finished report on-line field, select Quantity.
In the Automatic BOM consumption field, select Never.
Close the Production order defaults form.
Exercise #14: Configure automatic route consumption on setup jobs (Bonus)
Your estimation on operation setup has proven accurate, so the Production Manager decided that it is not necessary for employees to register on setup jobs.
The time consumption on setup jobs must be posted automatically
How would you automate this posting?
You will have to do the following:
Update routing groups.
Update the routing group on the MES production order defaults
Open Production control > Setup > Routes > Route groups.
From the list, select Sfc Shop Floor Control Routing Group.
Click Edit.
On the General FastTab, in the Automatic route consumption group, enable the Setup time field.
Close the Route groups form.
Open Production control > Setup > Manufacturing execution > Production order defaults.
On the Start tab, in the Automatic route consumption field, select Route group dependent.
Enable the Post route card now field.
Close the Production order defaults form.
Exercise #15: Use manufacturing execution (Bonus)
To proceed with testing the manufacturing execution, you need to enable time registration for Shannon, the machine operator in USMF.
Shannon needs to use the job card terminal to control the execution of the production order
Can you enable the time registration? How?
You will have to do the following:
- Enable time registration for the machine operator
Go to Human resources > Workers > Employees.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Name field with a value of SHANNON.
Click Activate on registration terminals in the Time tab of the action pane.
In the Calculation group field, enter or select Man.
In the Default calculation group field, enter or select Man.
In the Approval group field, enter or select AdmMan.
In the Standard profile field, enter or select Standard.
In the Profile group field, enter or select Man.
Select Yes in the Use timecard field.
In the Configuration field, enter or select Production.
Select Yes in the Supervisor options field.
Click OK.
In the list, click on the Shannon link id to get to the detail page.
Click the Time registration tab.
Click Edit.
In the Identification field, type 069.
In the Badge ID field, type 069.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Go to Production control > Manufacturing execution > Job card device.
In the Personnel number field, type 069.
Click Log in.
Click Start job.
Set Quantity to start to 1.00.
Click OK.
Click Report progress.
Set Error quantity to 1.00.
In the Error cause field, enter Material.
Click Complete.
Click Break.
In the list, select break from work
Click OK.
Click Stop break.
Click Activity.
In the list, find and select Equipment repair
Click OK.
Click OK.
Set Error quantity to 2.00.
In the Error cause field, enter Machine.
Click Complete.
In the Job status field, select Stopped.
Click Close.
Click Next job.
Click Previous job.
Click Report progress.
Set Good quantity to 5.00.
In the Job status field, enter Completed.
Click Complete.
Close the page.
Case study 1B Discrete, Process and Lean manufacturing features
Exercise #1: Create an approved vendor list and setting method to Warning Only (Bonus)
Contoso Orange Juice USP2 has determined that approved vendor control shall be placed on item M7001 with the approved vendor being US-113, and they have assigned the task to you
Can you perform this task?
You will have to do the following:
Set up the approved vendor or default vendor
Set vendor check method to Warning Only
Set up the approved vendor or default vendor
In USP2 (Navigate to upper right corner of window and change company from USMF to USP2), Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of M7001.
Click the item number to get from the grid to the details page.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Setup.
Click Add.
In the Vendor field, type US-113.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Set the vendor check method to Warning Only
Click Edit.
In the Approved vendor check method field in the Purchase Fast Tab, select Warning Only.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Exercise #2: Create items with different production types
Contoso Process Company (USPI) has purchased a small oil refinery and will start to manufacture gasoline from a stream of crude oil.
This process produces kerosene and diesel fuel as co-products and wastewater as a by-product.
You will help the product designer to create the items listed here within finance and operations using different production types to assist in the creation of formulas or recipes
Product Number: P15000
Product Name: Gasoline
Production Type: Formula
Product Number: P16000
Product Name: Kerosene
Production Type: Co-Product
Product Number: P17000
Product Name: Diesel Fuel
Production Type: Co-Product
Product Number: B18000
Product Name: Waste Water
Production Type: By-Product
Product Number: M12000
Product Name: Crude Oil
Production Type: None
You will have to do the following:
Create a new formula product
Create the new
co-products -
Create the new byproducts
Create the new raw material
Create a new formula product
In USPI, Go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Click New.
In the Product number field, type P15000.
In the Product name field, type Gasoline.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal. (Note: you may need to change the dropdown in the selection menu to All.)
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Production type field in the Engineer Fast Tab, select Formula.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, enter 365.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create the new co-products
Click New.
In the Product number field, type P16000.
In the Product name field, type Kerosene.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal.
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, enter 365.
In the Production type field in the Engineer Fast Tab, select Co-product.
In the Planning formula field, enter P15000.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Click New.
In the Product number field, type P17000.
In the Product name field, type Diesel Fuel.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal.
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Production type field in the Engineer Fast Tab, select Co-product.
In the Planning formula field, enter P15000.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create the new by-products
Click New.
In the Product number field, type B18000.
In the Product name field, type Waste Water.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal.
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, enter 365.
In the Production type field, select By-product.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create the new raw material
Click New.
In the Product number field, type M12000.
In the Product name field, type Crude Oil.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal.
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Production type field, select None.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, enter 365.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Exercise #3: Create and activate a formula using different product types
The engineering department has finished the review of the data in the new refinery and determined the formula should be as specified here.
The product definition employee wants to create the formula and assign the co-products and by-products to the formula and cost allocation.
He asked for your help. Can you help?
Product Number: P15000
Product Name: Gasoline
Formula Size: 500 gal
Formula Line: M12000 (Crude Oil), QTY 1000 gal
Formula Line: M2001 (DI Water), QTY 600 gal
Co-Product Line: P16000 (Kerosene), QTY 50 gal 10% cost allocation
Co-Product Line: P17000 (Diesel Fuel), QTY 350 gal 32% cost allocation
By-Product Line: B18000 (Waste Water), QTY 600 gal, 5% cost allocation
Approved by: Glen John
You will have to do the following:
Create a formula
Add formula lines to the formula
Add co-products and by-products with cost allocation
Approve and activate the formula
Create a formula for part P15000
Go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to find records. For example, filter on the Item number field with a value of p15000. Note the lowercase – it is not case sensitive.
Click the ellipsis, if needed, to get to the Engineer tab on the action pane.
Click Formula versions.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type GAS001.
In the Name field, type Gasoline.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
In the Lines or header field, select Header.
In the version, set Formula size to 500.
Click Save.
Add Formula Lines to Formula
In the Lines or header field, select Lines.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M12000. (Note: When you click New, select After line, select the Item number and then click Ok.)
Click Edit, and then in the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
Set Quantity to 1000.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M2001. (Note: When you click New, select After line, select the Item number and then click Ok.)
Set Quantity to 600.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Add Co-Products and By-Products with Cost Allocation
In the Action bar, click Formula version* and then click **Co-products.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type P16000.
In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
Set Quantity to 50.
In the Co-product cost allocation field, select Manual.
Set Cost allocation percent to 10.
Click Save.
Click New.
In the Product type dropdown, select By-product. In the Item number field, type P17000.
In the Warehouse field, type 11.
Set Quantity to 350.
In the By-product cost allocation field, select Percent .
Set Cost allocation percent to 32.
Click Save.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type B18000.
In the Warehouse field, type a value.
Set Quantity to 600.
In the By-product cost allocation field, select Percent.
Set By-product burden amount to 5.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Approve and activate the formula
Click Approval.
In the Approved by field, enter or select 000528 for Glen John.
Select the Do you also want to approve the formula? check box.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Close the page.
Exercise #4: Create a new formula with a version from the released products form (Bonus)
The marketing department at USP2 Contoso Orange Juice factory has determined the need for production of a new product for Frozen Apple Juice Concentrate.
The product designer asked you to help create a formula version with the following details
Can you do so?
Product Number: P7100
Product Name: Frozen Apple Juice Concentrate
Formula Size: 1000 gal
Formula Line: M9103 (Apples), QTY 800
Formula Line: M8001 (Asorbic Acid),
QTY 660 -
Formula Line: M8003 (Vitamin A), QTY 40
Formula Line: M8004 (Vitamin C), QTY 18
Formula Line: M7003 (Sucrose), QTY 33
Formula Line: M8008 (Can), QTY 2400
Approved by: Glen John
You will have to do the following:
Create a new product.
Create a formula.
Create formula lines.
Approve and activate the formula
Create a new product
In the USP2 company go to Product information management>Products>Released products
Click New.
In the Product number field, type P7100.
In the Product name field, type Frozen Apple Juice Concentrate.
In the Search name field, type FrozenAppleJuice.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, enter lb.
In the Purchase unit field, type lb.
In the Sales unit field, type lb.
In the BOM unit field, type lb.
Click OK.
In the Production type field in the Engineer Fast Tab, select Formula.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, type 180.
Click Save.
Create a formula
Click Formula versions in the Engineer tab in the action pane.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type FOR-7100.
In the Name field, type For making Frozen Apple Juice Concentrate.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
Create formula lines
In the Lines or header field, select Header.
Set Formula size to 1000.
Set From formula size in the Formula versions Fast Tab to 1000.
In the Lines or header field, select Lines.
In the Formula lines fast tab, click New.
In the Item number field, type M9103.
Set Quantity to 800.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M8001.
Set Quantity to 660.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M8003.
Set Quantity to 40.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M8004.
Set Quantity to 18.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M7003.
Set Quantity to 33.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M8008.
Set Quantity to 2400.
Click Save.
Approve and activate the formula
Click Approve formula.
In the Approved by field, enter or select 000528 for Glen John.
Click OK.
In the Lines or header field, select Header.
Click Approve in the versions section.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Close the page.
Exercise #5: Revise, update and activate a formula (Bonus)
Analysis of the production orders for P8000 in company USP2 has shown that the scrap factors and consumption amount of part P6000 need to be updated.
You want to formula revise, update, approve, and activate the formula with an effective date of 12/15/2020
You will have to do the following:
Copy the existing formula
Update line
Date out the old version and date in the new version
Approve and activate the formula
Copy the existing formula
In the USP2 company go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of P8000.
In the list, click the link in the selected row.
Click Formula versions in the Engineer tab on the action pane.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type F01.
In the Name field, type V01.
Set the Copy to Yes.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
In the Formula version field, select the previous formula version For-00002.
Click OK.
Update the line
In the list, find and select the record for P6000.
Set Quantity to 0.35.
Click the Setup tab.
In the Variable scrap field, enter a number.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Date out the old version and date in the new version
In the list, find and select the original formula version For-00002.
In the To date field, set the date to 12/14/2020.
Click Save.
In the list, find and select the new formula version F01.
In the From date field, set the date to 12/15/2020.
Click Save.
Approve and activate the formula
Click Formulas > Formula.
Click Approve formula.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Close the screen to go back to the Formula versions screen.
Click Formula version > Approve.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Close the page.
Exercise #6: Use the scalability feature to create a new formula
Your manufacturing plant in company USP2 has obtained a new mixer that is 1.5 times the size of the current mixer used to make part P9500.
Engineering has determined that the vitamin compounds do not need to increase in quantity, but the other ingredients do.
Use the formula scalability feature to create a new formula for the larger size based on the existing formula for the part
You will have to do the following:
Copy the existing formula
Verify the lines are flagged as scalable for P9500 (except for the vitamin compounds)
Update the formula size
Approve and activate the formula
Copy the existing formula
IN USP2 company go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of P9500.
In the list, click the link in the selected row.
Click Formula versions in the Engineer tab in the action pane.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type P9500V0.
In the Name field, type V0.
Select the Copy option.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
In the Formula version field, select the current version.
Click OK.
Verify the lines are flagged as scalable for P9500 (except for the vitamin compounds)
In the lines, find the vitamin compounds.
Select or clear the Scalable check boxes.
Click Save.
Update the formula size
In the Lines or header field, select header.
Set Formula size to 1500.
Set From formula size to 1500.
Click Save.
Approve and activate the formula
In the Lines or header field, select lines.
Click Save.
Click Approve formula.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
In the Lines or header field, select header.
Click Approve in the Versions grid.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Close the page.
Exercise #7: Create and activate a percentage-based formula (Bonus)
Company USP2 has been contracted to make a new orange juice with the following volume percentages for the final mixture.
The mixture should also have vitamin C and vitamin A added per the mixing instructions given here.
The volume batch size is to be 1500 gallons
You were asked to use this info to create the formula. Can you help?
Ingredient | Recipe percent/ |
quantity | |
P9500 | 5% |
M9001 | 92% |
M7004 | 3% |
M8004 | 1.33 lb/1500 gal. |
M8003 | 1.1 LB/1500 gal. |
You will have to do the following:
Create a new release product
Copy the existing formula for P9500
Verify the lines are flagged as scalable for P9500 (except the vitamin compound)
Update the formula size
Approve and activate the formula
Create a new released product
In the USP2 company go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Click New.
In the Product number field, type ‘P6100’.
In the Product name field, type ‘Orange Juice’.
In the Search name field, type ‘Orange Juice’.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type gal.
In the Purchase unit field, type gal.
In the Sales unit field, type gal.
In the BOM unit field, type gal.
Click OK.
In the Production type field in the Engineer Fast Tab, select ‘Formula’.
In the Shelf life period in days field in the Manage inventory Fast Tab, enter 180.
Click Save.
Copy the existing formula for P9500
Go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of ‘P9500’.
In the list, click the link in the selected row.
Click Formula versions in the Engineer tab in the action pane.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type a value.
In the Name field, type a value.
Select the Copy option.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
In the Formula version field, select the current version.
Click OK.
Verify the lines are flagged as scalable for P9500 (except for the vitamin compounds)
In the lines, find the vitamin compounds.
Select or clear the Scalable check boxes.
Click Save.
Update the formula size
In the Lines or header field, select header.
Set the version’s Formula size to ‘1500’.
Set the version’s From formula size to ‘1500’.
Click Save.
Approve and activate the formula
In the Lines or header field, select lines.
Click Save.
Click Approve formula.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
In the Lines or header field, select header.
Click Approve in the Versions grid.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Close all pages.
Exercise #8: Change a linear consumption to a step-wise consumption
In company USP2, the formula for product P9500 should be updated.
Formula line M9003 needs to be changed from a linear consumption to a step-wise consumption
The consumption on the line shall be:
0-1400: 5.5
1400-2400: 10.6
2400+: 15.8
The company employee not sure how to do so and asked for your help. Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Copy the existing formula
for P9500 -
Set the line for M9003 in the new formula to step-wise consumption and set the
step levels -
Date out the old formula and date in the new one
Approve and activate the formula
Copy the existing formula for P9500
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of P9500.
In the list, click the link in the selected row for P9500.
Click Engineer > Formula > Formula versions.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Formula number field, type P9500V1.
In the Name field, type V1.
Select the Copy option.
In the Site field, enter or select 1.
Click OK.
In the Formula version field, select the current version
Click OK.
Set the line for M9003 in the new formula to step-wise consumption and set the step levels
In the lines, find the line for M9003.
Click the Setup tab in line details.
In the Formula field, select Step.
Click the Step consumption tab.
Set Quantity to 5.5.
Click New.
Set From series to 1400.
Set Quantity to 10.6.
Click New.
Set From series to 2400.
Set Quantity to 15.8.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Date out the old formula and date in the new one
Go to Product information management>Products>Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of P9500.
In the list, click the link in the selected row for P9500.
Click Engineer > Formula > Formula versions.
In the list, find and select the old formula.
Click Edit.
In the To date field, set the date to 12/27/2016.
Click Save.
In the list, find and select the new formula.
In the From date field, set the date to 12/28/2016.
Click Save.
Approve and activate the formula
Click Approve.
In the Approved by field, enter or select an employee.
Select the Do you also want to approve the formula? option.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Exercise #9: Set up commodity pricing (Bonus)
In company USP2, the price of apples, part M9103, is to be tracked based upon the NYMEX commodity exchange pricing of apples.
The sales price of the Apple Pie, part P9300, manufactured from this sugar should be based on a margin of 45 percent and a cost multiple of 1.25 for all quantities.
The pricing employee wants to set up the cost basis and pricing template for this scenario. She is not quite sure how to do so and asked for your help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Configure item P9100
Create a cost basis
Create a pricing template
Create a quantity and margin template
Complete the inventory parameter setup
Set up pricing calculation
Configure an item
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of P9100.
On the Action Pane, select Manage inventory.
Select Default order settings.
Select Edit.
In the Default order type field, select Production.
Select Save.
Close all pages.
Create a cost basis
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Commodity pricing > Cost basis type.
Click New if necessary.
In the Cost basis type field, type NYMEX.
In the Description field, type New York Mercantile Exchange.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a pricing template
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Commodity pricing > Pricing template.
Click New.
In the Pricing template field, type Apples.
In the Description field, type Apples.
Click Save.
Create a quantity and margin template
Click Quantity and margin template.
Click New.
In the Item relation field, type P9100.
In the Site field, type 1.
Set Cost multiplier to 1.25.
Set Margin percentage to 45.
In the Warehouse field, type 12. If its not visible, find it in the Dimension fast tab.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Complete the inventory parameter setup
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Inventory and warehouse management parameters.
Click the Commodity pricing tab.
In the Dimension set field, enter or select MA+BU.
In the Cost basis type field, enter or select NYMEX.
Select Yes in the Keep BOM/Formula calculations field.
Right click Trade agreement and view details.
Click New.
In the Name field, type Price_S.
In the Description field, type Sales Price Adjustment Journal.
In the Relation field, select Price (sales).
Click Save.
Close the page.
In the Trade agreement field, enter or select Price_S.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Set up pricing calculation
Go to Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Commodity pricing > Pricing calculation.
Click New.
Note that the Cost basis type field is set to NYMEX.
In the Run effective date field, enter todays date.
In the Run expiry date field, enter a date in the future.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Exercise #10: Change a price calculation and update trade agreements
In company USP2, the price of apples, part M9103, is to be tracked based upon the NYMEX commodity exchange pricing of apples.
The sales price of the applesauce manufactured from the apples is to be based upon the fluctuations in the pricing of the apples from 2/20/20 to 2/27/20
You will have to do the following:
Complete the price calculation
Review the price calculation data and create trade agreements
Post the trade agreements that are created
Complete the price calculation
Go to Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Commodity pricing > Create price and margin data.
In the Pricing calculation field, enter or select 000001 for NYMEX.
In the Pricing template field, enter or select Apples.
Click OK.
Review the price calculation data and create trade agreements
Go to Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Commodity pricing > Price margin update.
If the price calculations completed successfully, you will see your new pricing. Click Lines.
Click Update trade agreements.
Click OK.
Close the page.
In the list, find and select the desired record.
Click Lines.
Click Update trade agreements.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Post the trade agreements
Go to Sales and marketing > Prices and discounts > Trade agreement journals.
Click Lines.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Click Lines.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Exercise #11: Setting up a commodity price calculation
In company USP2, the price of apples, part M9103, is to be tracked based upon the NYMEX commodity exchange pricing of apples. The sales price of the applesauce manufactured from the apples is to be based upon the fluctuations in the pricing of the apples. The weekly pricing for the week of 02/20/20 and 02/27/20 has been received as 0.14/lb. and 0.15/lb., respectively
You will have to do the following:
Create a pricing calculation
Enter commodity pricing data
Create a pricing calculation
Enter commodity pricing data
Create a pricing calculation
Go to Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Commodity pricing > Pricing calculation.
Click New.
In the Cost basis type field, enter or select NYMEX.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Run effective date field, set the date to 2020-02-20 or your local equivalent.
In the Run expiry date field, set the date to 2020-02-26 or your local equivalent.
Click Save.
Enter commodity pricing data
Click Commodity pricing.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M9103.
In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
Set New cost to 0.14.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a pricing calculation
Click New.
In the Cost basis type field, enter or select NYMEX.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Run effective date field, set the date to 2020-02-27.
In the Run expiry date field, set the date to 2020-03-05.
In the Previous run field, enter or select a value.
Enter commodity pricing data
Click Commodity pricing.
Click New.
In the Item number field, type M9103.
In the Warehouse field, enter or select a value.
Set New cost to 0.15.
Click Save.
Close the page.]
Exercise #12: Creating PSDS lists, records and file uploads for product compliance
In company USP2, product M7001, sulfur dioxide, has been setup as a regulated and restricted product. A new PSDS has been obtained from the vendor and must be attached to the item. Using the attached file, create the PSDS record and activate it based upon an effective date range of 6/1/2020to 5/31/2020
You will have to do the following:
Create a PSDS list
Create a PSDS record
Upload a PSDS file
Create a PSDS list
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Product compliance > Product safety data sheet.
Click New.
In the Country/region field, type USA.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a PSDS record
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of M7001.
On the Action Pane, click Manage inventory.
Click Safety data sheet.
Click New.
In the Document Name field, type a value.
Select Yes in the Active field.
In the Country/region field, type a value.
In the Approval source field, enter or select a value.
In the Major version field, enter a number.
In the Approval date field, set the date to 2020-06-01 or your local equivalent.
In the Effective date field, set the date to 2020-06-01.
In the Expiry date field, set the date to 2022-05-31.
Click Save.
Upload a PSDS file
Click Attach (the paper clip near the top right).
Click New.
Click File.
Click Browse
Select the MSDS file, or any file to act as it.
In the Restriction field, select External.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Refresh the page.
Click Open document.
Close the page.
Exercise #13: Add reporting details for an item
The product safety manager wants to add reporting details for product M7001, Set the OSHA Product Name to “Sulfur Dioxide”, and give it a threshold quantity of 5, an EHS reportable quantity of 500, and a TPQ of 500. The CAS number should be set to 7446-09-5.
The annual usage quantity must also be updated for reporting
You were asked to show the safety manager how to do that.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Enter product reporting details
Enter the CAS number
Update annual usage quantities
Enter product reporting details
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of m7001.
On the Action Pane, click Manage inventory.
Click Reporting details.
Click Edit.
In the OSHA product name field, type Sulfur Dioxide.
Set the OSHA threshold quantity to 5.
Set the EHS reportable quantity to 500.
Set the EHS threshold planning quantity to 500.
Click Save.
Enter the CAS number
Click Edit. Click Item CAS relations.
In the CAS number field, type 7446-09-5.
In the CAS name field, type Sulfur Dioxide.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Update annual usage quantities
Click Update quantities.
Close the page.
Exercise #14: Create a sales order and printing a PSDS
Product M7001, sulfur dioxide, has been setup as a regulated and restricted product.
A new request for 100 oz of M7001 from customer US-031 on April 4, 2020 has been received.
The sales representative wants to enter the sales order and make a note of the messages received.
Ship the material and verify that the valid PSDS is printed upon posting of the packing list.
The sales manager is confused about how to do that.
You were asked to help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a sales order for item M7001
Complete the reservation
Post the packing slip and print the PSDS
Create a sales order
Go to Accounts receivable > Orders > All sales orders.
Click New.
In the Customer account field, type us-031.
In the Warehouse field (General section), type 11.
In the Requested receipt date field, set the date to a near future date.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type m7001.
Set Quantity to 100.
In the Unit price field, enter a number.
Click Save.
Complete the reservation
Click Inventory.
Click Reservation.
Click Reserve lot.
Close the page.
Post the packing slip and print the PSDS
Click Pick and pack > Post packing slip.
Click OK.
Click OK.
Verify that the PSDS was printed if that option was desired.
Close the page.
Exercise #15: Create and associate a batch attribute
Company USPI has a new requirement for part P4000, polypropylene pellets, to test and record the melting point for each batch is needed.
The product definition employee wants to create a batch attribute for the melting point as an integer attribute with a min of 0 and max of 500
The item specific requirements are 130 – 171° C. Customer
US-024 requires a melting point of 135 – 165° C for use in their manufacturing
The product definition employee wants to associate the batch attribute with the item and the customer with the correct attribute ranges
You were called to help. Can you help the product definition employee?
You will have to do the following:
Create a new batch attribute
Set the attribute minimum and maximum
Associate the batch attribute with
the item -
Set the item attribute minimum and maximum
Assign financial dimensions to the item
Associate the batch attribute with the customer
Set the customer attribute minimum and maximum
Create a new batch attribute
In USPI company go to Inventory Management > Setup > Batch > Batch attributes.
Click New.
In the Attribute field, type MeltingPoint.
In the Description field, type Melting Point (C).
In the Attribute type field, select Integer.
Set the attribute minimum and maximum
In the Minimum field, type 0.
In the Maximum field, type 500.
In the Increment field, type 1.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Associate the batch attribute with the item
Go to Product Information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of p4000.
Click Product specific in the Batch Attributes group on the Manage Inventory tab.
Click New.
In the Attribute relation field, select Melting Point.
Set the item attribute minimum and maximum
In the Tolerance action field, select Not allowed.
Set Minimum to 130.
Set Maximum to 171.
In the Target field, type 150.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Assign the default financial dimension to the item
Go to Product Information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of M2005.
Click the link for M2005 to go to the details page.
Click Edit.
Expand Financial dimensions fasttab, select a product group for the ProductGroup financial dimension.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Associate the batch attribute with the customer
Go to Product Information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of p4000.
Click Customer specific in the Batch Attributes group on the Manage Inventory tab.
Click New.
In the Attribute relation field, enter or select Melting Point.
In the Account selection field, type US-024.
Set the customer attribute minimum and maximum
Set Minimum to 135.
Set Maximum to 165.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Exercise #16: Create a new batch number and manually record the batch attribute
The inventory manager for company USPI wants to create a new batch number for part P4000.
He is not sure where to start or what to do.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a new batch number
Manually record the batch attribute data
Create a new batch number
Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Inventory > Batches.
Click New.
In the Batch number field, type GTL0001.
In the Item number field, type PW4000.
In the Manufacturing date field, enter today’s date.
Click Save.
Manually record the batch attribute data
On the Action Pane, click View.
Click Inventory batch attributes.
Click Load item attributes.
In the Attribute value field, type 163.
Click Save.
Close all pages.
Exercise #17: Create quality orders and verify batch attributes
At company USPI, item M2005 is set to have a quality order created upon the purchase order product receipt.
They would like to:
create a new PO for 500 pounds of material, receive the material, and enter the information in the quality order that is created.
Verify that the batch attribute data was updated upon completion of the quality order
They are not sure how to perform this transaction and asked for your help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a new purchase order for item M2005
Receive the purchase order
Complete the quality order
Verify the batch attribute data
Create a new purchase order
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
Click New.
In the Vendor account field, enter or select US-102.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type m2005.
Set Quantity to 500.
Set the Unit price to 6.99.
Click Save.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Confirm.
Note the purchase order number.
Close the page.
Receive the purchase order
Go to Inventory management > Inbound orders > Arrival overview.
Expand Arrival query details.
Set the value of Restrict to site to 1.
Click Update.
In the Arrival overview profile name field, enter or select a value.
Click Update.
Search for the purchase order created and select the record.
Click Start arrival in the Receipts FastTab.
Re-select your PO.
Click Journals.
Click Show arrivals from lines.
Click Inventory.
Click Display dimensions.
Select the Site check box.
Select the Warehouse check box.
Select the Batch number check box.
Click OK.
Right click and view details on the Batch number field.
Click New.
In the Batch number field, type GTLB001.
In the Manufacturing date field, enter today’s date.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Close the Batches page.
In the Batch number field, click on the pencil then enter or select the batch that was created (GTLB001).
Click Post.
Click OK.
Click Functions.
Click Product receipt.
In the Product receipt field, type a value.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Complete the quality order
Go to Inventory Management > Periodic tasks > Quality Management > Quality orders.
Click Results.
Click Edit.
Set Result quantity to 5.
Set Test result to 15.4.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Click Validate.
In the Validated by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Verify the batch attribute data
Click the Inventory dimensions tab.
Click to follow the link in the Batch number field.
On the Action Pane, click View.
Click Inventory batch attributes.
Close the page.
Exercise #18: Complete a batch reservation using an attribute requirement
At company USPI, part P5000 is set up with internal requirements for batch attributes.
The operations manager wants to enter the batch order, manufacture the material, and record the test results.
Then the shipping operator will use the batch reservation form to reserve a batch based upon the customer testing requirements
They both know that a new customer requirement for customer US-026 must be created.
A new batch order of 500,000 pounds of material shall be created to meet the requirements of a sales order from customer US-026.
They called you as the MFG functional consultant to help them achieve this. Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a customer attribute requirement
Create a new batch order
Process the batch order
Complete the quality order
Create a sales order
Complete the batch reservation and shipment
Create a customer attribute requirement
In USPI go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of p5000.
Click Customer specific from the Manage Inventory tab.
Click New.
In the Attribute relation field, enter or select a value.
In the Account selection field, type us-026.
Set Minimum to 98.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a new batch order
In USPI company go to Production Control > Production Orders > All Production orders.
Click New batch order.
In the Item number field, type p5000.
In the Delivery field, enter a date.
Click Create.
Process the batch order
On the Action Pane, click Production order.
Click Estimate.
Click OK.
Click Start.
Click OK.
On the Action Pane, click View.
Click Picking list.
In the list, click the link in the selected row.
In the journal lines, select each row and complete the batch reservation.
Click Inventory.
Click Reservation.
Click Reserve lot.
Close the page.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Close the page.
On the Action Pane, click Production order.
Click Report as finished.
Click OK.
Complete the quality order
On the Action Pane, click View.
Click Quality orders.
Click Results.
Click Edit.
Set Result quantity to 5000.
Set Test result to 98.5.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Click Validate.
In the Validated by field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Create a sales order
Go to All sales orders.
Click New.
In the Customer account field, type us-026.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type p5000.
Set Quantity to 500000.
Click Save.
Complete the batch reservation and shipment
Click Inventory.
Click Batch reservation.
Click Batch attribute search.
Click Customer attributes.
Click OK.
Click Reserve lot.
Refresh the page.
Close the page.
Click Post packing slip.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Exercise #19: Set a partial visibility catch weight item
At company USP2, a new catch weight item for sugar in
20-pound bags must be created as item M7010.
The inventory manager is struggling to do the following:
Create the new released product as a partial visibility catch weight item.
After creating the item, create a new purchase order for 15 bags.
The bags are to be received using the arrival overview process, and the total weight for the 15 bags of sugar should be specified
You are the MFG functional consultant and they asked you to help. Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create the released product and set catch weight conversions
Create purchase order for
15 bags of item M7010 -
Create and post an arrival journal for the purchase order
Create the released product and set catch weight conversions
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Click New.
In the Product number field, type M7010.
In the Product name field, type Sugar in 20 lb. bags.
In the Catch weight field, select Yes.
In the Item model group field, enter or select a value.
In the Item group field, enter or select a value.
In the Storage dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Tracking dimension group field, enter or select a value.
In the Inventory unit field, type lb.
In the Purchase unit field, type lb.
In the Sales unit field, type lb.
In the BOM unit field, type lb.
Click OK.
Click Unit conversions.
Click the Inter-class conversions tab.
Click New to open the drop dialog.
Set Factor to 20.
In the To unit field, type lb.
In the From unit field, type bag.
Click OK.
Close the page.
In the Purchase Unit field, type bag.
In the Price field, enter a number.
In the CW unit field, type bag.
Set the Minimum quantity to 19.
Set the Maximum quantity to 21.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a purchase order for 15 bags of item M7010
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
Click New.
In the Vendor account field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type m7010.
Set CW quantity to 15.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Confirm.
Close the page.
Create and post an arrival journal for the purchase order
Go to Inventory management > Inbound orders > Arrival overview.
In the Arrival overview profile name field, enter or select a value.
Expand the Arrival query details section.
Select No in the Production orders field.
Select No in the Transfer orders field.
Select No in the Quarantine orders field.
Click Update.
In the list, find and select the desired record.
Select the Select for arrival check box.
Click Start arrival.
Click Journals.
In the list, find and select the desired record.
Click Journals.
Click Show arrivals from lines.
Click the Dimension tab.
Click Edit.
Click to follow the link in the Batch number field.
Click New.
In the Batch number field, type a value.
In the Manufacturing date field, enter a date.
In the Expiration date field, enter a date.
Click Save.
Close the page.
In the Batch number field, enter or select a value.
Set Quantity to 295.
Click Save.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Post Product Receipt and review Inventory
Click Functions.
Click Product receipt.
In the Product receipt field, type a value.
Click OK.
Exercise #20: Use catch weight items in a purchase trade agreement
At company USP2, item number M9401, Cheese, requires a new purchase trade agreement to be set up for $175/tray.
The team wants to enter a new demand forecast for 25 trays of cheese to be sold.
After entering the trade agreement and demand forecast, they want to enter and confirm a new purchase order for 15 trays.
Finally, master planning should be run and reviewed to determine if additional trays should be purchased
The team is not sure how to do that. They asked for your help. Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a purchase trade agreement
Create a demand forecast
Create a purchase order for
15 trays of item M9401 -
Run net requirements and review the output
Create a purchase trade agreement
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of m9401.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Create trade agreements.
Click Edit.
In the Name field, enter or select a value.
Click Lines.
In the Item relation field, type M9401.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Warehouse field, type 11.
Set Amount in currency to 175.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Create a demand forecast
On the Action Pane, click Plan.
Click Demand forecast.
Click New.
In the Model field, enter or select a value.
In the Date field, enter a date.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Warehouse field, type 11.
Set CW quantity to 25.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Create a purchase order for 15 trays of item M9401
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
Click New.
In the Vendor account field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type m9401.
Set CW quantity to 15.
Click Confirm.
Run net requirements and review the output
Click Product and supply.
Click Net requirements.
Click Update.
Click Master planning.
Click OK.
Exercise #21: Create a batch attribute for a potency item
At company USPI, part number M2004, ETDA, must be designated a potency-controlled item for the Acidity batch attribute.
The target value for Acidity should be 1.7. Set up the batch attribute, assign it to the product, and designate the product as a potency item.
The product manager is not sure how to configure the system to do that.
You were called as the MFG functional consultant to help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a batch attribute
Assign the attribute to
the item -
Assign potency information
Create a batch attribute
Go to Inventory management > Setup > Batch > Batch attributes.
Click New.
In the Attribute field, type Acidity.
In the Description field, type Acidity.
In the Attribute type field, select Fraction.
In the Maximum field, type 10.
In the Increment field, type .01.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Assign the attribute to the item
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of M2004.
On the Action Pane, click Manage inventory.
Click Product specific.
Click New.
In the Attribute relation field, select Acidity.
Set Minimum to 1.
Set Maximum to 3.
In the Target field, type 1.7.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Assign potency information
Click Edit.
Click Save.
In the Base attribute field, enter or select a value.
Click Save.
Exercise #22: Modify and activate a copy of a potency item formula
At company USPI, were reviewing al their items and they found out that part M2004 has been determined to be a potency-controlled item.
The formula for item P2000 needs to be adjusted to set M2004 as an active potency item.
The formula for P2000 should be modified to indicate the change, and item M2007 should be set as a compensating material for part M2004 with a compensation factor of 1
They are not sure how to reflect this in the system and they called you to help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Copy the formula for item P2000
Modify the M2004 and
M2007 lines -
Approve and activate the formula
Copy the formula for item P2000
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of ‘p2000’.
On the Action Pane, click Engineer.
Click Formula versions.
Click New.
Click Formula and formula version.
In the Name field, type a value.
Select Yes in the Copy field.
In the Site field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
In the Formula version field, enter or select a value.
Click OK.
Modify the M2004 and M2007 lines
In the list, select row M2004.
In the Ingredient type field, select ‘Active’.
In the list, select row M2007.
In the Ingredient type field, select ‘Compensating’.
Click Save.
Click Ingredients.
Click Compensation principle.
In the Active ingredient field, select M2004.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Approve and activate the formula
In the list, select the old formula version.
In the To date field, enter a date.
In the list, select the new formula version.
In the From date field, enter a date.
Click Approve.
In the Approved by field, enter or select a value.
Click Select.
Select Yes in the Do you also want to approve the formula? field.
Click OK.
Click Activate.
Exercise #23: Set up pricing based on an item’s attribute (Bonus)
At company USPI, part M2004 has been determined to be a potency-controlled item.
The pricing of part M2004 shall be based upon the acidity level, where the ratio of the actual acidity level against the target is multiplied by the based price of $4.70 and a constant of 1.5 to determine the purchase price of the batch.
the purchase agent, want to setup the pricing for
the item and couldn’t.
The support team asked you to help the purchase agent.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create an attribute pricing expression
Complete and post the trade agreement
Create an attribute pricing expression
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Attribute-based pricing details.
Click New.
In the Name field, type a value.
In the Description field, type a value.
Click Add variable.
In the Equation element type field, select Unit price.
Click Add variable.
In the Equation element type field, select Constant.
Set Constant to 1.5.
Click Add variable.
In the Equation element type field, select Batch attribute - Target.
In the Attribute field, select Acidity.
Click Add variable.
In the Equation element type field, select Batch attribute - Actual.
In the Attribute field, select Acidity.
In the Equation field, type AB(D/C).
Click Validate equation.
Close the page.
Complete and post trade agreement
Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Item number field with a value of m2004.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Create trade agreements.
Click Edit.
In the Name field, select Price.
Click Lines.
In the Item relation field, type M2004.
In the Site field, type 1.
In the Warehouse field, type 11.
Set Amount in currency to 4.7.
In the Attribute-based pricing ID field, enter the pricing ID just created.
Click Save.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Exercise #24: Record a potency attribute upon receipt (Bonus)
A new batch of item M2004 is to be purchased into inventory and received, with the batch attribute result being entered upon receipt.
You were asked to review the pricing of M2004 to verify that the calculation meets the requirements of the attribute-based pricing
Can you perform this task?
You will have to do the following:
Create a purchase order for item M2004
Receive and enter a batch attribute value
Invoice and review pricing
Create a purchase order
Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
Click New.
In the Vendor account field, enter or select a value.
In the Warehouse field, select 13.
Click OK.
In the Item number field, type m2004.
Set Quantity to 800.
On the Action Pane, click Purchase.
Click Confirm.
Receive and enter a batch attribute value
On the Action Pane, click Receive.
Click Product receipt.
In the Product receipt field, type a value.
Click Update line.
Click Registration.
Click Add registration line.
Click to follow the link in the Batch number field.
Click New.
In the Batch number field, type a value.
Click Save.
Close the page.
In the Batch number field, select the batch created.
In the Actual value field, type a value.
Click Confirm registration.
Click Save.
Close the page.
Invoice and review pricing
In the Quantity field, select Registered quantity.
Click OK.
On the Action Pane, click Invoice.
Click Invoice.
In the Number field, type a value.
In the Invoice date field, enter a date.
Click Update match status.
Click Post.
Click Inventory.
Click Transactions.
Exercise #25: Reporting and balancing batch orders (Bonus)
A new batch order is to be created for part P2000, including reserving batches of the active ingredients, performing batch balancing, and posting the picking list.
The production manager wants to create a production order and process the order for a new batch of part P2000
The production manager is new to the system and wants you help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create a batch order for part P2000 and process the batch order through Start
Complete batch reservation and balancing for active ingredients
Post the picking list and report as a finished batch order
Create a batch order for part P2000 and process the batch order through Start
Go to Production control > Production orders > All production orders.
Click New batch order.
In the Item number field, type p2000.
Click Create.
On the Action Pane, click Production order.
Click Estimate.
Click OK.
Click Start.
Click OK.
Complete Batch Reservation and Balancing for active ingredients
Click Batch balancing.
In the list, select row 2.
Select the Marked check box.
In the list, select row 4.
Select the Marked check box.
In the list, select row 5.
Select the Marked check box.
Click Balance batch ingredients.
Click Confirm the formula.
Click OK.
Post the picking list and report as a finished batch order
On the Action Pane, click View.
Click Picking list.
In the list, click the link for the picking list.
Click Post.
Click OK.
Close the page.
Close the page.
On the Action Pane, click Production order.
Click Report as finished.
Click to follow the link in the Batch number field.
Click New.
In the Batch number field, type a value.
In the Manufacturing date field, enter a date.
Click Save.
Close the page.
In the Batch number field, select the created batch number.
Click OK.
Case study 1C Lean manufacturing
Exercise #1: Create value streams
After defining and mapping the lean manufacturing value stream for USMF, you are told to act as the value stream manager. You must create the value stream within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Can you do that?
You will have to do the following:
- Create a value stream
In USMF company go to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Value streams.
Click New to create a new value stream.
Enter the following details for the new value stream:
Name: SeaLeanVS
Search Name: SeaLean
Manager: Jodi Christiansen
Click Save.
Exercise #2 create a new production flow model
As the production (shop) floor supervisor at USMF,
you have a logical grouping of work cell capacity with similar behavior in
capacity load for the work cells used to model the car speaker production flow
You must create a new production flow (SeaPFModel) to model the process of painting the covers for the car speakers. The capacity and load of the production flow will be measured in quantities of product that are produced (Throughput)
The Cycle for this production flow will define 1 day as the number of days used in automatic planning (i.e., EPE cycle is 1 day). The Add method of Kanban scheduling will be used if there is no capacity available during the required periods; the planning period type is Day and the planning time fence is 10. To the right are more details you will need for this task
Name: eBookProdFlow
Description: eBook Production Flow
Legal entity: USMF
Value stream: SeaLeanVS
Production group: 10
Per cycle unit of measure: pcs
Quantity per cycle: 1
Average takt time: 1
Minimum takt time: 1
Maximum takt time: 2
Period for actual cycle time (days): 1
You will have to do the following:
Create a production flow model for SeaPFModel
Create a production flow version for the USMF eBook production flow
Set up the Takt and cycle times
Create a production flow model
Go to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flow models.
Click New.
In the Production flow model field enter SeaPFModel.
In the Model type field enter Throughput.
In the EPE Cycle in days field enter 1.
In the Capacity shortage reaction field enter Add.
In the Planning period type field enter Day.
In the Planning time fence field enter 10.
In the Capacity shortage reaction drop down select Postpone.
Click Save.
Create a production flow version
Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows.
Click New on the action pane. A new production flow record is created.
In the Name field, enter eBookProdFlow.
In the Description field, enter eBook Production Flow.
In the Legal entity field, select USMF.
In the Value stream field, select LeanProduction.
In the Production group field, select 10.
Click Save.
On the Versions FastTab, click Add.
Click OK.
Set up the takt and cycle times
Expand the Versions and Version details FastTabs.
In the Per cycle unit of measure field, select pcs.
In the Quantity per cycle field, enter 1.
In the Average takt time field, enter 1.
In the Minimum takt time field, enter 1.
In the Maximum takt time field, enter 2.
In the Period for actual cycle time (days) field, enter 1.
Click Save in the action pane.
Note the Plan status field for the version is set to Draft.
Close all forms.
Exercise #3: Create a process activity
A new eBook stylus is being developed to compliment the eBook kits that are sold at USMF.
The stylus is purchased from an outside vendor and configured at USMF.
A process activity is needed to configure the stylus and place it in stock for use elsewhere.
Here are the details for the process activity:
Name: Transfer Activity
Process quantity: 10 pcs
Operating unit: Lean Production
Work cell: 1260
The company is not sure how to configure this and you were called as the MFG functional consultant to help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
- Create a process activity
Navigate to Production Control > Setup > Lean Production Flows > Production flows.
Open the Mid Range Speaker 2PF production flow.
On the Versions FastTab, click the Activities button.
Click Create new plan activity button.
Click Next.
Enter Transfer Activity in the Name field.
Enter 10 in the Process quantity field.
In the Unit drop-down list, select pcs.
In the Operating unit drop-down list, select LeanProduction.
Click Next.
In the Work cell replenished drop-down list, select 1260.
Set the Update on hand on receipt option to Yes.
Click Next.
Select 1260 in the Replenishing field.
Select Finished product in the Product type field.
Click Next.
Select Warehouse 13 in the Transfer from location – warehouse field.
Select location 13 in the Transfer from location – location field.
For the transfer to location:
Select 22 in the Warehouse field.
Select location 01-01-2-1 in the Location field.
Select Shipper in the Freighted by field.
Click Next.
Select Queue time after record.
Enter 4 in time field.
Select hr in the time unit field.
Enter 10 in per quantity field.
Select the Runtime record.
Enter 2 in time field.
Select hr in time unit field.
Enter 10 in per quantity field.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
Exercise #4 Create a new transfer activity
A new car speaker remote is being developed to complement the car speaker kits sold at Contoso. The Standard speaker assembly production flow needs to be amended to include a transfer activity to move the configured remote to the Electrical Component warehouse
Details for production flow transfer activity are to the right
Name: RemoteTransfer
Process quantity: 10
Operating unit: SeaLeanVS
Replenishing resource group: 1250
Update on hand on receipt: Yes
Update on hand on pick: No
Transfer to warehouse ElComp, location Output
Freighted by shipper
- Runtime: 1 min per 25 pcs
You will have to do the following:
Deactivate the current production flow version
Create a new transfer activity
Create the predecessor/successor relationship between the process and transfer activity with no constraints
Deactivate the current production flow version
Navigate to Production Control > Setup > Lean manufacturing > Production flows.
Open the CarSpeakProdFlow Standard speaker assembly production flow.
On the Versions FastTab, select Version 1.
Click Deactivate.
Click OK.
Create a new transfer activity
On the Versions FastTab, click Activities. The Production flow activities form opens.
Click Create new plan activity in the action pane.
Click Next.
Enter RemoteTransfer in the Name field.
In the Activity type drop-down list, select Transfer.
Enter 10 in the Process quantity field.
In the Unit drop-down list, select pcs.
In the Operating unit drop-down list, select SeaLeanVS.
Click Next. The Create transfer activity page opens.
In the Replenishing drop-down list, select 1250.
Set the Update on hand on receipt check box to Yes.
Set the Update on hand on pick check box to No.
In the Product type field, select Finished product.
Click Next. The Assign transfer locations page opens.
In the Transfer to location group, in the Warehouse drop-down list, select 11.
In the Location drop-down list, select 11.
In the Freighted by drop-down list, select Shipper.
Click Next. The Assign activity time page opens.
In the Time field for the Runtime row, enter 1.
In the adjacent Time unit drop-down list, select min.
In the Per quantity field, enter 25.
Click Next. The Confirm selection page opens.
Click Finish. The wizard closes, and a new production flow activity appears in the list.
Click Save in the action pane.
Create the predecessor/successor relationship between the process and transfer activity with no constraints
Highlight the Wiring Process activity and, on the Successor tab, click the Add successor button.
Select the Successor Activity of RemoteTransfer.
For Cycle time ration, type 1.
Select the OK button.
Activate the production flow version.
Close the Production flow activities form.
On the Versions tab, click the Activate menu button.
Click OK.
Exercise #5: Add a successor to the production flow activity and perform validation and activation
The production Manager wants to revise Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow so that the Transfer_W12_to_W11 activity is succeeded by the Process_Activity_1 activity.
Here are the details for production flow transfer activity relations:
Constraint: 1 hour
Cycle time ratio: 2
He is not quite sure how to do this revision and wants your help.
Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Add a successor to the production flow activity
Perform validation and activation
Add a successor to the production flow activity
Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows.
Click the name of the Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow.
On the Versions FastTab, click Activities.
In the list on the left, select the 00074 – Transfer from Warehouse 13 to 51 activity.
On the Successors FastTab, click Add successor. The Create activity relation dialog opens.
In the Successor group, in the Activity drop-down list, select Activity 000082.
Select the Constraint check box.
In the Constraint value field, enter 1.
In the Units drop-down list, select hr.
In the Cycle time ratio field, enter 2.
Click OK.
Click Save in the action pane.
Close the forms.
Perform validation and activation
The Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow, Version 2 must be validated to confirm that the changes have been correctly implemented.
Navigate to Production control > Setup > Lean production flow > Production flows. The Production flows form opens.
Click the name of the Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF production flow. The Production Flows form for the selected production flow opens.
On the Versions FastTab, select Version 1.
Click Validate. The Validate production flow dialog opens.
Click OK.
Click Save in the action pane.
Close the forms.
Exercise #6: Create Kanban rules and schedule the Kanban job
A new car speaker remote has been developed to complement the car speaker kits that are sold at USMF. The production flow is already configured with multiple activities, and now the products and Kanbans required to process the flow must be created
Products have been set up for the purchased un-programmed remote and for the remote that will be programmed through the activities of the production flow.
The bill of materials (BOM) has also been created, adding the purchased unprogrammed remote as a BOM line.
Once the BOM is created, Kanban rules must be set up for the process activity to program the remote and for the transfer activity to transfer the programmed remote (now a finished good) to the warehouse and location where it will be stored until it is sold
When the Kanban jobs are not automatically planned, they must be dragged and dropped onto the desired period on the Kanban schedule board. You can do that by using the Kanban board
The company called you to configure the above. Can you help?
You will have to do the following:
Create the Kanban rule for the process activity
Create the Kanban rule for the transfer activity
Plan a Kanban on the Kanban board
Create the Kanban rule for the process activity
Navigate to Product information management > Lean manufacturing > Kanban rules.
Click New.
Select the First plan activity called SpeakerTestAndPackaging.
Expand the Details FastTab.
In the Product, select L0001.
Expand the Quantities FastTab
Enter a Default quantity of 100.
Enter a Fixed Kanban quantity of 4.
Expand the Kanban and cards FastTab.
Select the Circulating cards check box.
Change the Card assignment to Automatic.
Click Save.
Click the Create cards button.
Deselect the Print new cards box.
Click Create.
Switch to the Kanbans FastTab.
Click Add.
Verify that the default number of new Kanbans is 4.
Click Create.
Close all forms.
Creating the Kanban rule for the transfer activity
Navigate to Product information management > Lean manufacturing > Kanban rules.
Click New.
Change the Type to Withdrawal.
Update the First plan activity to ReplenishSpeakerComponents.
Expand the Details FastTab.
Enter the Product L0001.
Switch to the Quantities FastTab.
Enter the Default quantity of 10.
Enter the Fixed Kanban quantity of 4.
Click Save.
Switch to the Kanbans FastTab.
Click Add.
Verify that the number of new Kanbans defaults to 4.
Click Create.
Close all forms.
Planning a Kanban on the Kanban Board
Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban job scheduling.
Change Work cell to 1250.
In the Display job status field select Not scheduled.
Select a Kanban job from the unplanned Kanban jobs, and then click the Schedule button. Repeat for the remaining Kanban jobs of your choice.
Exercise #7: Process scheduled Kanbans for process and transfer jobs
After setting up the fixed Kanban rule from the previous exercise, the company wonders if you can use the Kanban board to start processing scheduled Kanban jobs.
Can you?
You will have to do the following:
Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for process jobs
Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for transfer jobs
Process Kanbans on the Kanban board for process jobs
The scheduled Kanbans are now ready to be processed. The Production control>Kanban>Kanban board for process jobs will be used to prepare, start, and complete the Kanbans.
Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for process jobs.
When you open this form for the first time, all jobs from all work cells are shown. You can select the Work cell to filter the jobs.
Change the Work cell to 1250.
Select the appropriate Kanbans to prepare.
Click Prepare.
To start the Kanbans, click Start button.
To complete the Kanbans, click Complete.
Process Kanban on the Kanban board for transfer jobs
The manufactured Kanban is now ready to be transferred to its final location. The Kanban board for transfer jobs will be used to start and complete the Kanban.
Go to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for transfer jobs.
When entering the board for the first time you see all jobs from all production flows. Alternately, you can expand Filters FastTab and change Production flow to only show jobs for a specific production flow, such as Mid-Range Speaker 2 PF.
Select the Kanbans of your choice, as long as they have a card number.
To start the transfer, click Start.
To complete the transfer, click Complete.
Exercise #8: Fulfill a sales order by planning a Kanban and produce an item (Bonus)
A sales order has been received for a green speaker set, which triggers event Kanbans for the speaker set on the packaging work cell and the speaker kits on the speaker assembly work cell.
The company want to record the production of the speaker kits and speaker set to fulfil the customer sales order
How would you do that?
You will have to do the following:
Create a sales order for the Kanban line event
Plan the Kanbans
Transfer the speaker set
Create a sales order
Navigate to Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders.
Click New.
Select the Customer account as US-016.
Click OK.
Enter Item number of “L0026”.
Enter Quantity of “12.00”.
Click Update confirmed date.
Select a Site of 1 (scroll or tab right).
Select a Warehouse of 13.
Select a Location of 13.
If Location is not set on the sales order, go to Sales order line > Display and click the Dimensions button. Click on the location and configuration.
Select Configuration 01.
When you save, if the date cannot be promised, select Update confirmed ship date.
Select the Product and supply > View pegging tree menu button to view the event Kanbans created for the sales order.
Plan the Kanbans
Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban schedule board.
Change Work cell to 1250.
Plan the Kanban for 1250 by selecting the Kanban job in the board.
Close all forms.
Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for process jobs.
Select the Change cell button.
Change Work cell to 1250.
Highlight the desired Kanbans and click Start.
Click Complete.
Select the Change cell button.
Change Work cell to 1250.
Highlight a Kanban and switch to the Pegging FastTab on the Kanban board for process jobs work cell form. View the complete lower level speaker set Kanbans on the pegging tree.
Click Start.
Click Complete.
Transfer the speaker set
Navigate to Production control > Kanban > Kanban board for transfer jobs.
Expand Filters FastTab.
Select a Production Flow.
Click Update picking list on the Transfer tab in the action pane.
Click Add picking line.
Click Confirm pick all.
Close the form.
Select Start.
Select Complete.