Testing Dynamics 365 Finance Database Movement API with Postman
Microsoft provides a versioned set of capabilities that you can currently use to copy databases between environments, and to list and download database backups.
what you can do with Database movement API so far:
- List database backups
- Create database refresh
- Create a database export
- Get operation activity status
More supported actions will be added in later releases.
The endpoint uses impersonation authentication base, please follow to register a new application by using the Azure portal
1. Postman environment setup
Open Postman -> manage environments -> Add
2. Authentication with Postman
You get the authentication bearer with POST method and https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenant_id}}/oauth2/token endpoint.
In the request Body, please do following:
Click Send, and you will have access token to start using the API.
3. Cosnume the APIs with Postman
To call the Database Movement API, you attach the access token as a bearer token to the authorization header in your HTTP request. So in Postman, modify the headers tab like bellow
3.1. List database backups
GET https://lcsapi.lcs.dynamics.com/databasemovement/v1/databases/project/{{projectId}}
And we’ll get a JSON with a list of the DB backups on our LCS Asset Library:
3.2. Create database refresh
POST https://lcsapi.lcs.dynamics.com/databasemovement/v1/refresh/project/{projectId}/source/{sourceEnvironmentId}/target/{targetEnvironmentId}
3.3. Create a database export
POST https://lcsapi.lcs.dynamics.com/databasemovement/v1/export/project/{projectId}/environment/{environmentId}/backupName/{backupName}
3.4. Get operation activity status
GET https://lcsapi.lcs.dynamics.com/databasemovement/v1/fetchstatus/project/{projectId}/environment/{environmentId}/operationactivity/{operationactivityId}