In this post let’s explore creating XML using X++ code in Dynamics AX.
The following example shows how to create and write data to an XML file by using the XmlDocument, XmlElement, and XmlWriter classes. It loops through all of the records in the CarTable and find all the fields in the table automatically by using the DictTable and DictField classes.
staticvoidWriteXml(Args_args){XmlDocumentxmlDoc;XmlElementxmlRoot;XmlElementxmlField;XmlElementxmlRecord;XMLWriterxmlWriter;CarTablecarTable;DictTabledTable=newDictTable(tablenum(CarTable));DictFielddField;inti,fieldId;strvalue;;#CarsXmlTags// Create a new object of the XmlDocument classxmlDoc=XmlDocument::newBlank();// Create the root nodexmlRoot=xmlDoc.createElement(#CarRootNode);// Loop through all the records in the carTablewhileselectcarTable{// Create a XmlElement (record) to hold the// contents of the current record.xmlRecord=xmlDoc.createElement(#CarRecords);// Loop through all the fields in the recordfor(i=1;i<=dTable.fieldCnt();i++){// Get the fieldId from the field-countfieldId=dTable.fieldCnt2Id(i);// Find the DictField object that matches the fieldIddField=dTable.fieldObject(fieldId);// Skip system fieldsif(dField.isSystem())continue;// Create a new XmlElement (field) and// have the name equal to the name of the// dictFieldxmlField=xmlDoc.createElement(;// Convert values to string. I have just added// a couple of conversion as an example.// Use tableName.(fieldId) instead of fieldname// to get the content of the field.switch(dField.baseType()){caseTypes::Int64:value=int642str(carTable.(fieldId));break;caseTypes::Integer:value=int2str(carTable.(fieldId));break;default:value=carTable.(fieldId);break;}// Set the innerText of the XmlElement (field)// to the value from the tablexmlField.innerText(value);// Append the field as a child node to the recordxmlRecord.appendChild(xmlField);}// Add the record as a child node to the rootxmlRoot.appendChild(xmlRecord);}// Add the root to the XmlDocumentxmlDoc.appendChild(xmlRoot);// Create a new object of the XmlWriter class// in order to be able to write the xml to a filexmlWriter=XMLWriter::newFile(@"c:tempcars.xml");// Write the content of the XmlDocument to the// file as specified by the XmlWriterxmlDoc.writeTo(xmlWriter);}
The file that is created looks like the one in the following screenshot(only first part of the file is shown):
As you can see, this file is based on a standard XML format with tags and values only. You can, however, use tag attributes as well. To put the values from the table into tag attributes instead of their own tags, simply change the following code snippet in the example above
// Set the innerText of the XmlElement (field)// to the value from the tablexmlField.innerText(value);// Append the field as a child node to the recordxmlRecord.appendChild(xmlField);
With these lines:
// Add the attribute to the recordxmlRecord.setAttribute(,value);
The file that is created now looks like the one in the following screenshot: